Friday Favorites Last Friday in July

 Hey friends. We made it to the last Friday in July. Its sad summer is coming to an end so quickly. My kids still have 4 weeks until school starts but it will be here before we know it. This week I started to go through the kids clothes and school supplies, while also spending lots of time outside, going on adventures, and checked a few items off our summer bucket list. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

July Monthly Musing

 Hey friends. I am linking up today with  Patty and Holly for monthly musing. This months theme is Late Summer Fashion and Fun.

Grilled Salmon

 Grilled Salmon

Hodge Podge

Hey friends. How is your week going? Ours has been a good busy week so far. Checking items off our summer bucket list, and running around. Today I am linking up with Hodge Podge with Joyce over at .From This Side of the Pond.

From this Side of the Pond

Cowboy Caviar

 Cowboy Caviar