Hey loves. Happy Monday. Slowly getting back into a routine that I am happy with. That means meal planning, and sticking to routines. I have caught up on some staples that needed made, butter, freezer English muffins, freezer egg cups, and freezer bagels. Making our days runs a little smoother.
Friday Favorites Happy Valentine's Day
Hey loves. Happy Friday and Happy Valentine's Day. Do you do anything special for Valentine's Day? This morning I gave my kids conversations hearts that I picked up the other week at Trader Joes. I usually get them chocolate too, but they end up not eating it. Brian and I are having a nice dinner at home, with the kids too.
I still have one sick child. She was doing better, like no fever feeling better, she went to school, the next morning she had a fever again. I am over the flu. They have a long 4 day weekend so we need to find something fun to do. The weather is not looking promising to be able to go anywhere or be outside so it may be a movie night and game day weekend.
Trader Joes Haul February 2025
Hey loves. It had been a while since we did a Trader Joes run. A couple of Saturdays ago we swung by Trader Joes after basketball and we only had one kid with us. It was crazy busy but we got some good finds. I do not recommend going on a Saturday at 10 am the weekend of a winter formal, or going while you are hungry. Brian added a lot to the cart that I didn't realize. Even going back through these pictures two weeks later I forgot what he put in the cart. (my disclaimer is a few hours after we got home I got hit with a stomach bug and was down for the count for a good4 days. Let's see what we bought:
Let's Look
Hey loves. Happy Wednesday. As I am writing this on Tuesday, fingers crossed all 3 kids will be back to school tomorrow. I have had one child home everyday for the past 3 weeks. Between stomach bugs and the flu I am over sick season. Is your house staying healthy?
I am linking up today with Erika and Shay for this month's Let Look
Amazon Lately January 2025
Hey loves. January was a no spend month beyond essentials. There still was a few Amazon purchases. Let's see what we bought.