I'm sure your Memorial Day weekend was a lot less drama filled then mine was. On Saturday night I went to sit on a cooler that had wheels and it went out from underneath me and I feel on the floor. I ended up bruising my tailbone. Since I am stubborn I just went home and went to bed, I was tired and it was late. On Sunday I had a lot of problems getting up and down. Eventually I started cramping and ended up going to the hospital. I got hooked up to the monitors and I was having contractions. They ended up keeping me overnight to monitor the contractions. Luckily they were not regular, and I didn't have any complications from the fall. Next time, which hopefully there isn't a next time I am to go straight to the hospital and not be stubborn.
The best part of coming home though was I had a little friend waiting for me. I gave him a kiss but he didn't turn into a prince. Maybe next time.
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