Christmas Lists- Ella Edition

Its becoming the "Most Wonderful Time Of the Year" (make sure when you re-read that you sing it.) Everywhere you turn it is starting to look like Christmas. From stores already having up decorations and trees, Hallmark Channel starting holiday movies next weekend (before Halloween), commericals calling the kids names, and the Toy R Us toy book came in the mail. Before you know it the music will start.
We actually started Ella's list for Santa a few weeks ago. When planning our Disney vacation I had read an article about taking a picture of what your child wants throughout the day and then going back through the pictures at the end of the day or vacation to determine what item you will buy. We did not do this while at Disney but I thought we could use this for Christmas. (it has also helped with mommy buy me this) Now every time we go to the store we take pictures of what Ella wants to put on her list for Santa. 

There isn't any sort of trend of what she wants. Her price range varies from small shopkins, or happy house, all those little things I don't understand. 

To a doll house that is $200 and we really don't have any room for. 

She also wants some legos but is very picky on which ones she wants and doesn't want. I am surprised that she doesn't want the Disney princesses, which I want. 

She also wants random games, but that are Dory, Frozen, or Trolls. She doesn't want the classic originals. 

Now I could go on and on about everything she wants for Christmas. I have at least 50 photos on my phone, but more on her actual Christmas will come in the next few weeks when we start finalizing it. Today however when I asked her what she wanted the most it was the power wheels princess carriage. Walmart had it on display on the group where kids could sit in it. Shockingly Ella fit in it, had room to spare and plenty of room for her brother next to her. Now only if Santa was rich to afford a $400 power wheels. 

Now she even has a longer list of toys out of the Toy R Us book. She knows the difference between toys that she is to big for but not toys that she isn't big enough for. She will tell you that is for a boy, and this is for a girl. (even though Austin plays with 75% girl toys) I just keep reminding her that she doesn't get everything she wants. But I love her excitement to pick out items for Santa to get her for Christmas 

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