Special Visitors Day

This past Monday was Grandparents / Special Visitors Day at school. I had invited both of my parents to go for Ella's special day. The way things were planned was since my sister had to work, my dad would get my niece off the bus and my mom would go to Ella's special day. Unfortunately my mom got a headache and was unable to drive. Instead my father stepped up and went to Ella's school. I also went since I forgot to send a note to school with Ella saying that my father could have brought her home. 
The kids started off being introduced and singing 3 very adorable songs that they re-did to say Special Visitor and had hand motions. Ella is always shy during school performances and doesn't really do the hand motions. She didn't get stage fright from me. I can perform in front of anyone.

After their cute little performance the kids got to grab there special visitors and bring them onto the floor to have a dance party. They played like 5 songs, one being the chicken dance. 

The last song with just a dance around be crazy song. Ella and my father both really enjoyed it.

The last activity they had for Special Visitors day was the kids got to make a craft dealing with patterns. They could make either a necklace or bracelet with yarn and Fruit Loops.

I helped Ella with hers when she was having problems. The teachers had taped one end of the yarn to help the kids get the string through the fruit loops. Still some of the fruit loops had a smaller hole.

Instead of Ella giving her craft to her PaPaw she decided she wanted to keep it for herself. On the way home she decided to make the Fruit Loops disappear and ate them. (The teachers told them it was ok) 
Ella and PaPaw both enjoyed Special Visitors Day even though she really wanted MeMaw there also. 

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