I am finally starting to get second trimester energy at 19 weeks, even with battling hyperemesis gravidarum. Lets make this a great month and actually achieve some much needed things in my life and around my house.
First lets take a look back at my goals for February
- read one book I have read 10 chapters so that is a start.
- be more active on Social Media
- post at least 3x a week on blog I have done at least 2 a week. We are off to a good start for March now.
- have a date night with Brian
- start going through baby clothes in basement
- get moving This is a work in progress
- drink more water I am not at my goal of 70 oz a day, but I am doing a lot better than what I was doing.
Now for some goals for March
- Finish Reading - When Life Gives You LuluLemons
- Start Reading - Girl, Stop Apoligizing
- Organize Calendars
- Post At Least 3x A Week On Blog
- Meal Plan Each Week
- Finish Organizing Basement
- Start Going Through Baby Clothes
- Have a Date Night with Brian
Now for a little fun with The Blended Blog and TBB Asks: The Shop Til You Drop Edition
I am going to answer this pre-pregnancy and/or post pregnancy where I can/plan to wear more than just yoga pants.
1- Top 3 Shops? Target, TJ Maxx/Marshalls, Jane app
2- Where is the majority of your shopping done- in store or online? Online
3- What's your favorite thing to shop for? Home decor and things for my kids
4- What do you just HATE shopping for? Clothes for me
5- What's your most favorite thing you've ever bought? I don't think I have a favorite.
6- Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? Shopping with friends is always more fun.
7- Best Bargain? anything on sale
8- Thrift Store Shopping: Yes or No? For my kids yes, for me not so much. Only because I don't like the way the store is organized and don't normally have much time to shop for myself.
9- Best cities for shopping? I would love to go shopping in Paris, Rome, or LA, even if it is just window shopping.
10- Who's your style of fashion icon? I really don't follow or connect with any specific fashion icons or style. I just go with what works for me.
Great answers! I am so with you on TJ Maxx and Target - let's go shopping together?!?! Everything is better with friends! Have a great evening!