June Intentions

Can you believe that it is already June 1st. I am ready for things to start being positive, getting back to normal, and opening back up. I am excited we only have a few more days of school left for Ella, and Austin starts summer camp today. Summer weather is here. We are being positive and going to make this the best summer we can.

With a new month comes new intentions. Lets take a look back at May and see how it went.

May Intentions
  • no- Figure out a morning routine that works in our current sleepless season
  • yes- Read 4 Books
  • yes- Start new workout program
  • yes- Organize my box of papers in room
  • yes - Clean out Inbox (but it is full again)
  • yes- Start back up mindset eating
  • yes - Get my bike going
  • no- Zoom Chat for kids
  • no- Teach Ella to cook something that she can make by herself
  • no- Do a day in the life post

I started the year off focusing on my Intentions for 2020. I am refocusing and going back to normal as much as possible. 

Lets recap my intentions for 2020
  • - Use planners/calenders to stay organized
  • - Purge stuff we don't need/want
  • - Clean Schedule
  • - Natural Products
  • - Monthly Date with Brian
  • - Monthly Kids Date one on one time
  • - Be more present
  • - Be more intentional no scrolling
  • - Best Version of Me

June Intentions
  • Set up new planner and share about it on blog and instastories
  • Clean/Purge basement 
  • Continue with Cleaning Schedule
  • Go on Date with Brian
  • Monthly kids date
  • Go back to reading while putting Audrianna to bed instead of mindless strolling social media
  • Continue mindset eating
  • Drink 70 oz of water a day
  • Complete workout program
  • Plan Austin and Audrianna's birthday
What are your intentions for june? Do they look different than usual with what is currently our new normal?

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
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  1. I've started using my google calendar on my phone and have it synced with my husband's. It's been really great and I used to be a huge paper planner user!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. Google calendar is great. We use the planner on our phones for all family stuff.


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