Bedside Book Review

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It has been a while since I did a Bedside Book Review. I am really enjoying my time every night reading while I put Audrianna to sleep. I have also been reading in bed and falling asleep. Brian will come in the bedroom to find me sleeping with my tablet right next to me. I am still not doing well with physical books, it is so much easier with my kindle. 

Here are a few of the books I have read in the last few months. 

Hold On But Don't Hold Still by Kristina Kuzmii

Find Your Path by Carrie Underwood

A lot of the books I read on my kindle I get FREE or cheap from deals on Amazon. I have so many books on my kindle that I could not purchase a book for over a year and have plenty to read. 
I have enjoyed a few books from Layla Hagen from two different series. I liked that you didn't have to read the series in order or if you missed a book it would still make sense. 

What have you been reading? 
Linking up with Steph for Show Us Your Books
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