Meal Planning Sunday Week 45

Happy Sunday. I am ready for a relaxing day at home. Preparing for the week ahead and catching up on some odds and ends. Menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping going done yesterday. I would like to switch up our grocery shopping to the end of the week like Thursday or Friday but I have to figure our schedules that I won't have to take kids with me or just decide to do Instacart all the time. I know eventually our weekends with be busy with baseball and being outside all the time. When do you do your grocery shopping? 

Monday - Leftover Ham and Bean Soup

Tuesday - Baked Tacos

Wednesday - Grilled Fish over a salad

Thursday - Sheet pan Balsamic Chicken and veggies

Friday - Local Take Out

Saturday - Zoodles

Sunday - Steak over a salad

What is on your dinner menu this week?

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