Summer is flying by, I know I keep saying that. We are already in August. We have so much going on this month. It has been crazy and I have slacking on taking pictures. I haven't been on my phone as much either, which has been a great break. Quick recap from the past two weeks.
Wednesday July 28
It was a crazy day. Brian worked and had meetings all day so it was just the kids and me. Audrianna ate her sheet pan dinner. Then decided she wanted another bath as she decided ranch dressing was a great facial moisturizer and the table needed some too.Thursday July 29
Our morning started with cuddles on the couch. Yes Audrianna is pulling on Austin's ear. She is a jealous butt.
I took Audrianna to get blood work done. She got normal routine blood work and to check her thyroid because she is so small and in the 2% for her age. It took two nurses, plus myself to hold her. It went better than expected. Before we left they offered her some Elfin Crackers, she wanted nothing to do with them. (all her tests came back normal)Friday July 30
I have no idea what we did. I took no pictures. We must have just had a lazy day at home.
Saturday July 31
Dad got the morning cuddles.
I cleaned out and organized our fridge again.
Ella had her first ever Girl Scout camping adventure. It was only one night and in a volunteer's back yard. They slept in tents, learned about fire safety and starting a fire, and enjoyed swimming in the pool. She had a blast.
Audrianna took her nap in her brother bed on the bottom bunk. This was after she fought taking a nap.
While she napped I got all the kids school supplies labeled and organized and ready for their first day.
Austin asked to sleep on the top bunch. We moved his mattress up, then when and bought a mattress for the bottom bunk. Audrianna was so excited. She has been sleeping on the bottom bunk every since. Now she still isn't sleeping through the night, but its a start. Sunday August 1
We live a few miles from Lake Erie. That is a water spout, that we could see while driving to go look at a house for sale. My parents live closer and saw a lot of water spouts this day.
I went grocery shopping myself and didn't use Instacart. I came home and prepped and cleaned all the produce.
Brian found motivation to start finishing projects around the house that need done before we move. Monday August 2
Audrianna tried prepackaged oatmeal and ate it. Win for her eating more food.
At Austin's summer camp they learned about fire safety and even had the fire truck there.
Do you want to build a snow man? 1 bottle of Suave conditioner, 2 boxes of baking soda
Look mom we are holding hands take a picture. Tuesday August 3
The morning started off with stealing sunglasses and wanting pictures.
Austin also got into the fun too.
She napped hard.
These two had an electronic free day and played restaurant. A little bowl of cookies was $10. They are expensive.
Brian got to go to the Browns pre-game event with a co-worker. Wednesday August 4
Imprompto trip to Cedar Point. Earlier this summer Brian took the kids with his niece but I wasn't up to it. This time I got to come along.
Oh no she is driving
Austin insisted on riding the sky line. What you can't see is me white knuckling the pole.
Beautiful view over the park and seeing the lake, but I am not a fan of heights.
We ended the night with Beignets and ice cream.
Opps I cute off half of Ella's face.Thursday August 5
We spend the next day being lazy. All the kids slept in. Austin even ended up taking a nap. Friday August 6
Audrianna enjoying her dry cereal and milk.
I am loving my new Meal Planner.
Ella requested fire pan pizzas. Brian put the pools up right next to our fire pit so we opted for the grill instead.
Saturday August 7
Saturday morning farmers market, Trader Joes and a treat of macaroons.
We spent the rest of the day at home getting more stuff done around the house while the kids played outside. I did touch up paint on the house, shed, clothes line pole, and door frames. Brian worked on hanging new doors in the house. (We bought them awhile ago)
Sunday August 8
say cheese
Special treat to get ice cream.Monday August 9
A day filled with swimming and packing.
Tuesday August 10
We are just rolling through the week. A stormy day outside so we are enjoying a lazy day. I am packing for vacation and doing odds and ends around the house. Ella is having a sleepover at Memaws before back to school.
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