Our Week Spring Break

 Hey loves. We had a whirl wind of a Spring Break. Mother Nature brought the most beautiful weather, but also being sick. It was one person after another. 

Monday April 10

Monday started off with sleeping in, eating breakfast and picking up Ella from her dad's at 9. We came home and cuddled and played. Then I went 

The kids were playing and I was doing some work before we did something fun for the day. I ask Ella what they wanted for lunch. Her response "Well Anna is napping" which to me said Anna wasn't feeling good to be napping at 11 am. 

Ella took the initiative and made lunch for her and Austin. She also agreed to playing Star Wars Monopoly with him. (this never happens) Somehow Ella also ended up winning but Austin had never played the game before. 

I made myself a healthier egg salad with Greek Yogurt. Our hard boiled eggs did not peel very well so we didn't make deviled eggs for Easter. 

Anna woke up from her nap running a fever and saying her throat hurts. Off to the express care we went. She tested positive for strep. (Austin was positive on the Friday before). They said after her second dose she would no longer be contagious. 

It ended up being a gorgeous day. We all sat outside reading for a little bit and the kids played some. 

Tuesday April 11

Everyone woke up feeling good, no fevers, no longer contagious. Road trip is never complete without Spudnut Donuts. (not the best idea since they are sticky and messy but we wouldn't have it any other way)

We decided to go to the Columbus Zoo for the day. 

Austin was so happy with all the different turtles all over the zoo. This is his current animal obsession.

The zoo has a sting ray touching area. This was the highlight of the trip. We even went back before we left to do it again. 

All the kids were able to use two fingers and touch the string rays. (Brian and I did it too)

Austin requested to look in the gift shop and saw this cutest little stuffed turtle. I said we would take a picture and maybe get a souvenir before we leave. (we take pictures to remember what they wanted and where they are at) 

The petting zoo wasn't open but they were still able to pet a goat. 

We packed a lunch. Sandwiches, chips, 4 cut up apples, carrots and ranch, and a bunch of bars, granola, and fruit snacks. My kids ended up fighting over the apples and carrots and ate them all. Note for next time to pack more fruits and veggies. 

We loved the Columbus Zoo. Anna did awesome with potty training. I loved that there were bathrooms everywhere, lots of places to rest if needed, and it wasn't crazy busy. 

We stopped in Dublin at North High Bar and Grill, which Brian and I went to when we stayed for the Ohio State Football Game. The kids loved sitting on the patio and were so behaved. 

On the way home we ended up putting a pull up on Anna, just in case. The map was showing lots of red and yellow meaning stopped traffic and we didn't want to get stuck with her having to pee and us not being to get off. She ended up not even going in her pull up. She also fell asleep the last 10 minutes.

We have two more "kids" sitting on our seats. Anna also picked out a turtle.

Wednesday April 12

Another start to a gorgeous day. While we were at the zoo we had a couple of trees cut down there were dead. The tree guy also checked out the tree where we had a huge branch break off in the last storm. Turns out our huge oak or maple (I don't remember what it is), it also rotten down the center. He trimmed up as much as he could with the equipment and time that he had. But getting the rest of the tree down before it falls and damages something is in our near future. 

The after math of having a tree cut is saw dust that turns into Anna throwing it. 

For Easter Anna and Austin got some new playdoh sets. She has been spending hours playing with them. 

I treated the kids to McDonalds. The drive thru was still open with the parking lot under construction. (Inside was closed based on where they were pouring concrete). The kids had a front row seat to watching the guys work and pour concrete. 

We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the lake. 

There was a path we walked, I was not adventurous enough this time to take the kids down by the beach because I knew they would end up in the water and I didn't have a change of clothes. 

After lunch we went to one of my favorite playgrounds. I love this playground because there is only one gated entrance. There are different sections to run around and lots of seating for parents. I can sit in one spot and not have to worry about the kids escaping. 

There was also enough stuff for each of them to play and hide. 

Thursday April 13

Up and at um for first workout of the week.
Brian, Ella and I spent a few hours downtown at doctors appointments for Ella's hearing loss. We met with a team of ENT, audiologist, genetics, and speech pathologist. Ella's speech, vocabulary and understanding is above average. We didn't learn anything else besides that and somewhat seemed like a worthless appointment and a waste of time. We were there over 3 hours with lots of waiting.
While we were at the doctor Grandma had both kids for a playdate. 

Friday April 14

Saturday April 15

Anna and Austin slept in the same bed at my parents. My mom laid down with them to fall asleep then she went to her own bed. 

They were up at their normal 630 asking for cereal and Paw Patrol. They were disappointed that Paw Patrol wasn't on live tv (they don't know what is at home we stream everything). They had to live with watching Disney +.

I picked them up and they were ready to go with no fights. They had a fun sleepover. 

We came home and cuddled, while Brian and Austin went to Austin's first baseball practice of the season. 

Practice didn't go to well. Within the first 30 minutes Austin got hit in the face with a baseball and broke his glasses. He finished his practice and had fun.

The day was gorgeous. Brian's brother, sister in law and niece came over to play on the trampoline. Then the neighbor and his kids came over to jump too. The kids had a bunch of fun. The Cav's first play off game started at 6. We headed to our neighbors for pizza, drinks, to watch the game and the kids played. 

Sunday April 16

The morning started off with some grocery shopping, then Brian headed off to work. The kids and I washed my van. Then a storm rolled end. By that evening I was running a fever, having chills, feeling like crap and dead to the world. Thank you kids for getting me sick .

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