Back to School Brinner

 Hey loves. Our family started a new hopefully family tradition for back to school. Before Ella and Austin went to separate schools we would sit down as a family every morning for breakfast. Now they are at different schools (they were last year too) and there is an hour difference between waking up and bus schedules so we don't have the time together anymore. I got the inspiration from Andrea over at Momfessionals to do a Back to School Brinner. We also use to do big breakfasts on Sundays, but then we started going to church and those breakfast haven't happened either. 

We had our Back to School Brinner the night before school started. On Tuesday night we also had Austin's open house. We had dinner around 5pm which is pretty normal time for us, but I know that is early for a lot of people. 


  • folder placemats (we had from previous years)
  • apples (yes real ones)
  • crayons
  • roll of paper on table (amazon)
  • Sausage Balls (recipe from Mix and Match Mama)
  • scrambled eggs (I had to make more because they wanted more)
  • fruit
  • Sourdough Discard waffles (from Acts of Sourdough) 

What do you do special for back to school?

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