Weekend Wrap Up

 Hey love. Happy Tuesday. Yes I almost wrote Monday. The pro's and con's of long weekends, not knowing what day it is. We have a short 4 day week of school and Anna has her school orientation today and her first day is tomorrow for pre-k. Fingers crossed she still loves school even though her best friend isn't in her class anymore (and won't be next year either with different school districts) We had an awesome Labor Day weekend with friends and family. 

Friday Night

Friday afternoon my mom came over to watch Anna while I volunteered at Austin's school for a PTA event for a different grade. My mom was also there to be home when Ella got home and to watch the kids while Brian and I had a date night. We had tickets I got for my birthday and it was our 11 year anniversary according to Facebook. (In reality we don't have a specific date for when we started dating so we just picked a day around the time). Our first stop was dinner at Sarah's Winery. It was a beautiful local with delicious food and wine. We split a pulled pork sandwich, pretzels with cheeses, and a huge meatball. 

Brian had bought me tickets to see the Cleveland Orchestra play Disney in Concert the Sound of Magic. The night we went was the world premiere of the show with an conductor all the way from LA. 

We both grabbed a drink before the show and headed to our seats. For 2 drinks was $36, that little reminder why we never drank at the country concerts we went to we also pre-gamed in the parking lot. 

We had pavilion seats (compared to lawn seats) I loved the concert and could hear the orchestra. I heard from other people who had lawn seats that they couldn't hear the music very well and all the kids in the audience were singing along to the music. There was not only the orchestra playing, they had vocals pipped in and video on the screens. I would go again and take my kids I think they would love it. Ok maybe not Austin as much because it was princess and villain songs. 


My mom decided she was going to take the kids back to her house for a sleepover. They were very well behaved. I FaceTimed them and Anna walked me around the house telling me all about her evening. 

Before picking the kids up Brian and I went to the farmer's market, grabbed a quick breakfast, got candles that were on sale at Kirklands, and grabbed some food on sale at Fresh Thyme. Then we picked them up, headed home to put everything away and back out the door for a lunch date with our neighbors. 

We met them at Michael Angelo's Winery. We started with a flight, then shared a bottle inside. Then we ended up outside with another bottle. We shared some appetizer and pizza. The kids were pretty well behaved. They were getting antsy inside so we moved outside where they had more space to play and not bother anyone else. 

We left the winery in time to get home to watch the Ohio State Football game. I stayed until halftime with Ella, then her and I ran a few errands then I dropped her off at her friends house for a sleepover. 

We ended a gorgeous night with a fire with marshmallows. 


Sunday morning cinnamon rolls. I made half with nuts and half with chocolate. 

After breakfast we did a little running around. We are looking for patio cushions for our new to us patio furniture. Before leaving Lowe's Anna had to stop and smell a lot of the flowers. She said "yumm they are delicious" 

We had our family cookout at Brian's mom's house. The girls and I played The Logo game, we sucked at it. 

Brian had a sleepover at Grandma's and Brian stayed to have a fire. He sent me this picture of Austin sitting on his lap at the fire. 


A slow morning for Anna and me. I caught up on my devotional reading and Anna played with her Barbies. 

Brian used the push mower to cut the back grass. Then the neighbor came home and offered for him to borrow the riding lower. Brian and Anna cut the front grass. 
After cutting the grass Anna and Brian went to pick up Austin from Grandma's While they were gone I set up the kids pool and cleaned off and put all the lawn furniture back in the yard. 

The neighbor and Brian's brother and niece came over for a little while to hang out and the kids played in the pool and the water slide. One kid fell off the slide, another one got splinters in her foot, another one flip over a chair, and Anna got stung by a pee. It was just a hot mess of kids. 

They ended up finding a wooly bear catapillar. 

We ended the weekend having a cookout at our neighbors. They smoked pulled pork and ribs. We ended up eating inside because the bees where horrible and it was sticky hot. 

Overall we had a wonderful end of the summer weekend. 

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