Current Intention October

 Hey loves. It is hard to believe it is October already, and that I have a 12 year old. We are all in denial at the same time but her social calendar is proving the the pre-teen years are starting and going to get busier as time goes. We have a busy but fun month planned and I have a list of my intentions also. Lets jump in... 

But first linking up with Jennifer over at Overflowing with Thankfulness for currently.


We finally got a back patio. It was a stressful few weeks with bogus excuses of why it keep getting postponed. But it is finally done and we can sit outside and enjoy it. It has already been used everyday: birthday party, wine and a fire with friends, sat outside doing some work, and dinner. 

this girl has my heart with her love for all things pumpkin and Halloween. She only asks one a week if not more if it is time to go trick or treating because we our home decorated for Halloween. 

 excited about

Later this month we are going to my sister in laws farm. It is so beautiful and relaxing, but we have only even been in the summer before. I am excited to see all the beautiful colors of fall. 

They also have chickens that my kids like to help with. 

A cows that they try to pet, but the cows don't get that close. 


Fall season makes me want to watch Vampire Diaries. I have never seen all 8 seasons.


Anna started soccer this past weekend. I wasn't able to go watch her because it was the same morning Ella had her sleepover for her birthday and I couldn't leave 6 girls at home by themselves and Brian is one of the coaches. 

I guess this is how most of her 45 minute practice went, her laying in the field complaining she was hungry, tired, and wanted her mommy. Hopefully next weekend goes better. I will be there and daddy will not. 


I am always watching the deer in our yard. We have seen a buck once so far this season. We are also now paying attention because we bought new plants and are seeing what they are going to try and eat, even though I feel them corn and leftovers. 

October Intentions:


  • date with Brian
  • playdate with friends
  • coffee or drinks with a girlfriend 


  • workout 4x a week
  • hit 10,000 steps 5x a week
  • ride bike 3x a week
  • make eye dr appointment
  • make dentist appointment
  • start new testament with reading physical bible
  • become member of church
  • read 3 books
  • come up with monthly menu for October and November
  • get in an earlier morning routine 3x a week
  • stick with eating planned lunches and snacks


  • attend Fall Festival
  • visit pumpkin patch
  • carve pumpkin
  • cross more items off Fall bucket list
  • go trick or treating 
  • start teaching Austin chess
  • family movie night
  • spend 60 hours outside
  • go through winter coats/hats/gloves etc
  • Design Christmas cards
  • Elf calendar and items needed for it
  • start planning holiday lists and gift ideas

Home Life:

  • remove wallpaper from stairs
  • remove wallpaper from kids bathroom
  • redo Ella's room
  • finish going through my clothes
  • make chair cover
  • make jar cover
  • make book cover
  • sell toys from basement
  • print 10 recipes of mine
  • purge toy room/dining room

Lets Look Back at September Intentions:


  • zoo date with Heather- no it rained the day we had planned to go now with school schedules it is to hard to go. 
  • date with Brian- yes
  • playdate with friends- yes
  • go to PTA meeting- no I got catch up in cleaning and lost track of time 


  • Open back up a saving account- no
  • focus on anti inflammatory food- yes
  • workout 4 days a week- yes but the first half of the month started off rough
  • ride myx once a week- the last two weeks i have rode 3x a week
  • go for a walk 3 days a week- no
  • make eye dr appointment- no
  • go to regular dr appoint- yes
  • get into morning routine- no
  • schedule dentist appt- no
  • color hair- yes


  • Movie night- no
  • Game night- yes Uno
  • Go out to eat- no
  • Fall festival- no it is this month
  • Host Ella's birthday party- yes
  • Spend 60 hours outside- yes spend 135 hours outside
  • Have a fire- yes
  • Make Fall bucket list- yes
  • sleep train Anna- kinda
  • Start xmas list for kids- yes

Home Life:

  • remove wallpaper from stairs- no
  • remove wallpaper from kids bathroom- no
  • paint reading nook- no I am holding off on this until we redo the basement 
  • decorate for fall/Halloween - yes
  • go through my clothes- started to
  • laundry strip Brian's clothes- no
  • organize basement- no
  • sell toys in basement- no
  • redo Anna's room- yes
1000 Hours Outside, started June 2023
June hours- 142
July hours- 131
August hours- 150
September- 135
Total Hours- 558

Apple Watch Goals:
Move goal 450 cal- 22 out of 30
Exercise goal 30 minutes- 7 out of 30
Stand goal 12 hours- 30 out of 30

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
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  1. That's a busy list for the month. How nice that your patio is complete and so cool that you can watch the deer. I can remember my sister and I going with my Dad to a local farm on Saturday mornings to get fresh eggs. Nothing better than food straight from the source.

  2. Oh those soccer photos remind me of when my boys were little; they sometimes played and sometimes had no idea there was a game or practice going on around them. I hope you have the best time at the farm.


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