Weekend on the Farm

 Hey loves. How was your weekend? We had a long 3 day weekend with my kids being off school on Friday for the end of the school quarter. We took full advantage of it and went a road trip to the farm. Brian's sister has a farm down in Kentucky by Lexington about a 6 hour drive straight through, in reality about 7 when you add in bathroom breaks and eating. We had so much fun and the pictures don't do it justice of the views. 

Also Happy Halloween. Have a fun and safe evening if you are out trick or treating with your kids, now back to the weekend recap. 


We hit the road early and were pulling out of the driveway a few minutes after 6am. By 7 the kids were asking for food. We stopped at McDonalds for a quick breakfast. Austin requested pancakes and that would have been very messy in my car so we ate inside. 

My kids pointed out the sign was a big fry container. 

These pictures do not do it any justice for the pops of color. Driving 75 and taking pictures doesn't turn out well. 

We arrived at the farm at 2:20 and were greeted by the "teenage" cows that will be going to auction this week. 

The view from their back porch where we spent a lot of time. 

The kids were tired of being cooped up in the car. As soon as we got to the farm they started running around and playing. They found black walnuts in the yard. They had throwing contest throwing them down the hill and seeing who can collect the most walnuts. What you can't see is a few feet in front of my kids is a electric fence. 

More gorgeous trees. 

All weekend all three kids were very well behaved and got along. They played school a lot and drew pictures. 

The kids helped feed the chickens and cows and picked the eggs for the day. My sister in law has 15 chickens, at this time of the year they average 5-6 eggs a day. The kids got 8 so it was a good day. 

After feeding the chickens on my sister in laws property we hopped on the golf cart and went to her brother in laws property down the hill. He has pigs and ....

They had 4 baby piglets born in the last week. At first we couldn't get a good view of the piglets, mama pig was being protective. 

So we headed over to see their other animals. They had about 30 chickens they were going to take to the slaughter house for meet. They also had more chickens, ducks, and turkeys that they get eggs from. 

Anna and Austin enjoyed chasing the birds around. Anna even started walking like a chicken. 

We went back over to the pig barn and the piglets were closer for us to see. 

Aren't they so cute, I want to take one home. 

For dinner we had a delicious meatloaf made with pork and had a relaxing night. It was misting rain outside and we were all tired. Anna picked Minon to watch on tv. 

Austin loves this car track toy. He only gets to play with it when we go to the farm (which is once a year usually) You can make so many different designs with the tracks. 

Our sleeping arrangements this time we using the two upstairs guests rooms. Both rooms and two queen beds, and one has a chaise also. Girls were in one room and boys in the other. (Ella and Austin refuse to share beds. )


We were up before the sun, shocking with kids that never sleep. Sunrise was also after 8am. 

Off to feed the chickens and cows. 

The actual sun popping through. 

After breakfast which was a delicious egg frittata made with free range eggs, bacon from their pig, tomatoes and peppers from their garden we headed to a pumpkin patch. 

It was about an hours drive but so worth it. The price to get into the farm includes most of the activities and also came with a pumpkin from their field. You couldn't beat the price, we paid more for one pumpkin at home than it cost to get into the farm. 

The kids loved the duck races. 

Then this big slide. 

Brian paid to buy apples to shoot at a car with these big cannons. He is such a big kid when it comes to toys. 

If you ask Anna her favorite part it was bouncing on the big pillows. 

All the kids rolled around in some tubes. 

They also got to pet some goats. There were also alpaca's, a rabbit, and chickens you could pet but the animals wanted nothing to do with people. 

We grabbed lunch at the farm for less than $15 we were able to feed all 5 of us. It was nothing special but still good and cheap. 

The farm had 3 corn mazes.  A small kids maze, a first timers maze, and a maze they said would take 45 minutes to walk through. 

At the beginning of the large maze was a QR code that took you to a map of the maze as well as being gps interactive and told you where you were. With using the map we got out in about 25 minutes. I have been lost in a corn maze for over 2 hours before, getting lost again with kids did not sound like fun. 

We hopped on a tractor ride that took you to the pumpkin patch. There were a lot of pumpkins to pick. I love that Anna picked one she could carry. 

Brian caved and bought Apples for the kids to shoot the canon. It was this or the tub slide (think a sledding snow tube) or zip lining. Austin wasn't tall enough for the zip line and Anna wasn't tall enough for either. 

After the farm, which we spent a good 3 hours at, they had other play areas too that I didn't take pictures of we stopped at a huge liquor store. Brian likes a certain bourbon (Flat Boat) that you can't get at home and we have only found at this liquor store in Kentucky. 

Back at the farm we had tacos for dinner. Austin had 3 crunchy tacos. 

They each for to drive the fold cart up and down the driveway. 

A beer with a view. 

Brian was trying to become a cow whisperer and to get them to come up to him to pet. It didn't work. 

The kids said they wanted to have a fire. (they never sat by the fire)

I enjoyed relaxing and curling up reading a book on my kindle. 

I got to spend a little time at the fire before Anna started crying that she wanted to go home. I went inside with her and we cuddled as she watched Minon's again. 

Anna fell asleep on me on the couch. We ended up putting her in the little chaise bed in hope Ella and I would get some sleep and that she would sleep in there all night. Ella ended up taking up the whole bed when Anna wasn't in bed. Anna only lasted a few hours in her own bed then crawled into bed with me and Ella. Ella lasted a few hours then she ended up in the little bed. 


Both kids were up before 7am again. At least they played and colored nicely. 

It was cloudy and rainy off and on. This was the only picture of the sunrise I got before the clouds completely took over. 

My kids, well Anna and Austin had never seen or had any interest in watching the Minion movie before this trip. They watched it 3 times while there, they may have been different movies I don't even know but they all 3 were Minions. Disney wasn't an option to watch so they had to pick something off Netflix. 

This girl did a lot of coloring her own unique pictures and put them all over what was a bare fridge when we got there. 

By 1030 we were on our way home. We only forgot one thing, Anna's pillow. It isn't completely the end of the world, she hasn't asked about it yet. It is the pillow I use when I sleep in Anna's bed though.

Overall we had a wonderful, beautiful, fun mini vacation. The kids are already asking when we are going back again and planning what they are going to do. 

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