Christmas Recap 2023 Part 1

 Hey loves. How was your Christmas? Ours did not go as planned. Plans got changed, but everything happens for a reason. We will be celebrating Christmas with Brian's family when we get home from vacation now. I know we are not alone in changing plans and sickness being in homes, especially if you have kids. 

I am learning, the hard way, that the holidays are not going to go as planned. Life isn't going to be perfect, the holidays are going to be perfect. Life happens. People get sick. Plans have to change. 

I hope you had a Merry Christmas even if your holiday didn't go as planned or if it did go as planned. Lets take a look back at our holiday. I have been working on 

Thursday December 21

I made an opps on Wednesday. I was suppose to feed my sourdough starter, doubled to make 4 loaves of bread, 3 to give as teacher's gift. I forgot to feed the starter. That meant I had no bread to give to Austin's teachers. I came up with a quick gift for Austin's teachers. I made chocolate chip cookies in a jar. Thankfully I had everything on hand that I needed. 

During the day I had the opportunity to help out at Austin's school for his Christmas party. I brought along a snowball toss game. It didn't go exactly as planned, the snow balls kept bouncing out of the cups or knocking them over all together. We ended up switching up the game and the kids had so much fun. Austin's school is very strict about taking no pictures so I don't have any to share. 

Thursday night Austin started complaining that his ear was hurting.

Friday December 22

Austin woke up with an ear ache and a sore throat so we kept him home. Brian ran to the store for the last few things we needed before Christmas. What was suppose to be one store turned into 3 to find what he wanted. After he got home I took Austin to an express clinic. He ended up having an ear infection, but not in the ear that was bothering him. We decided to get him checked for covid, the flu, and rsv just in case. 

The rest of the day was low key. I was mentally exhausted and ended up taking a nap. 

Saturday December 23

We woke up to emails and notifications from Austin's doctors that he tested positive for RSV. We would have never guessed that he had it. He never had a cough or any of the major signs. Because of this we ended up canceling Christmas with Brian's family that was scheduled for that evening. We didn't want to risk getting anyone else sick during the holidays. 

Brian did an ornament exchange with his 6 siblings via zoom. This year the theme was blue. He got a Christmas tree that has blue lights like what his father use to 

Since our plans changed Anna and I spent a lot of time playing games. Brian and Austin played xbox together too. 

I looked outside and saw 8 deer just hanging out. 

Even though our plans changed I still got Ella for a few hours. The kids got their letters back from Santa. This year they each got different letters and omg confetti. Previously the confetti was just paper circles. This year it was true confetti that I am still finding in my house a week later and I have sweep and vacuumed numerous times. 

Via facetime with Brian's mom my kids got to open 2 gifts from here. They had been so excited to celebrate with everyone and the gifts were already at our house. They also opened their surprise gift from us telling them we are flying for vacation not driving 14 hours. They were so excited. 

Audrianna also got make-up from Brian's sister. See the blue eyebrow and glitter on her eye. 

Anna talked Ella into playing games with her too. 

We spent the rest of the evening relaxing, enjoying a fire with hot chocolate, and watching a Christmas movie. 

Anna got a lite bright from our friends. I made the unicorn for her. omg did my eyes hurt after doing this. 

Sunday December 24

Christmas Eve morning Brian surprised the kids with Dunkin Donuts. Anna also got into her new make-up kit. Unfortunately it got put up after this. Anna ended up putting red glitter eyeshadow on her eye and later rubber her eye and got glitter in her eye. 

So far this break these two have been getting along. Its the hand on the back that does it for me. 

Christmas Eve tradition for my family was always to have homemade lasagna, salad, bread, and egg nog. This year Brian's best friend brought over home made spiked egg nog it was so good. 

We couldn't forget to leave out cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. The kids also made reindeer food this year too. 

Shh don't tell them it wasn't reindeer that ate their food but our deer friends. 

Anna had taken a nap and was so much fun to put to bed. It was after 10 before she was asleep. But she was asleep before Santa came. 

Monday December 25

Austin was up at 630, I was up at 7, and Austin woke Anna up at 730. Brian had told Austin that they couldn't open up any gift until Ella got home around 12:30. I was shocked how willing and not pressuring they were about it. I said they could open their stocking and a few gifts. 

After opening a few things we made breakfast. Tradition is cinnamon rolls. Brian also wanted bacon. I needed something with consistency so I made a few eggs, and burnt the cheese. 

Anna patiently waiting for Ella. She decided to go through all the gifts and read the names on them. She found a bag that had an Elsa doll head sticking out. She walked over said this is mine and took it out. (yes it was for her). Brian also wrapped a lamp and you could still tell what it was but not what was on it. Anna looked at it said its a light its mine. 

Frank our plump squirrel visited. He got some peanuts. 

The high on Christmas was 61 degrees. It was gorgeous. Austin got a golf set and he spent a good few hours outside swinging and hitting balls. We also played with our neighbors for a little while too. 

My parents, sister and niece came over on Christmas to exchange gifts and for dinner. 

I am horrible at taking pictures with people so before everyone left we got photos quickly done. Here is me and my dad. 

my mom and me

me and Ella

my mom and sister

Our little family. 

My dad and sister.

Even though Christmas did not go as planned we still had a wonderful Christmas making memories for our kids. 

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