Hey loves. Happy Friday. Are you ready for the holidays? We are celebrating Christmas with Brian's family tomorrow and have a very low key Christmas at home on Monday with just my parents and sister. I put my foot down a few years ago on all the house hopping for the holidays. It is no fun for anyone especially the kids who want to play with all their new toys. This week has been busy with all the school activities and getting all last minute stuff done. (why do we always wait until the last minute to wrap presents?) Even with all the chaos there has been a lot of joy and fun memories.
~ ONE ~
Austin's school had a bingo night and Austin asked if we could go. Admission was a craft or card to give to our local meals on wheels. Austin made two snowmen ornaments for admission. In an hour and a half we played 4 games of bingo.
Austin won 3 of the games (a lot of kids won each game), got 3 prizes, then we were leaving were given another prize. It was a great night even though it went past bedtime. Austin and I don't get a lot of one on one time, he is a daddy's boy and has two needed sisters.
~ TWO ~
Audrianna has her Christmas party and concert at school. The kids sang 4 songs and I say sang very loosely. They more so did movements to the songs. This year instead of just staying in one place they were moving all around and it was hard to be able to see her at times. There was one song that the kids were sitting on mats in a row as if they were riding a sleigh. I wasn't able to see her at all because there was a bigger kid in front of her.. They should have planned to do shortest to tallest so parents could all see their kids. Overall thought she had fun.
I love giving and receiving Christmas and holiday cards. We sent out 100 and got quiet a few back. There are still more coming in the mail today.
~ FOUR ~
I stayed up way to late the other night finishing Shadowed Obsessed by Penelope Black. It is now a holiday read but I received an advance reader copy to review for my honest opinion. I loved this book and couldn't read it fast enough. A why choose romance with a mix of troupes and leaves you with a major cliffhanger. I can't wait for this spring when the third and final book comes out.
~ FIVE ~
Anna talked Ella into having a sleepover in Ella's bed. It was wonderful to have a full nights rest without Anna waking me up. Anna did cry a few times in her sleep. Ella just rolled over and hugged her and they both fell back asleep. It was so sweet, Ella can be a good big sister when she wants to.
~ SIX ~
Last Sunday at church was the children's Christmas pageant. Our church did the ABCs of Christmas with a slide show of pictures that the kids have taken previously at Sunday School. Then shows them on the screens and tells a story. During the service they do a live nativity with the kids dressed up and standing on stage. Anna was an Angel, and oh was she an Angel with attitude. It was cute to watch her attitude change during the service. At one time she was dancing, then she had her hands on her hips, and one time arms crossed over her chest like she mad about something.
Austin was a Shepard.
Anna has been waking up and extra cuddly in the mornings. She normally runs to me but a few times she goes to Brian.
~ NINE ~
Teachers gift for Anna's school. She has 3 teachers at her preschool and they were all so excited for the fresh sourdough bread. I had planned to do the same for Austin's teachers but forgot to feed my starter.
Instead his teachers got homemade chocolate chip cookie mix in pint jars. I had everything on hand, printed directions and it worked out last minute.
If you didn't see yesterday I posted a feedback survey. I would love your feedback on what you love, what you don't love, new ideas, topic suggestions, etc. Please take a moment to answer a few quick questions and give me your feedback. BONUS I will be picking 5 random readers who fill out the survey to send a Starbucks or Dunkin gift card to.
In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Monday- Weekend Wrap-Up
Tuesday - Kids Christmas Themed Books
Wednesday - Best of 2023
Thursday- Thank You and Feedback
This Weeks Recipes:
Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,
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We put our foot down with the house hopping on Christmas day when my kids were little too. We had 4 different families to try and see and so we often spread our Christmas celebrations out throughout the whole entire month in order to see them all. At least that way the kids could actually open and play with toys. Wishing you and your family a very Merry (and healthy!) Christmas!!