Long Weekend Wrap Up

 Hey friends. Happy Tuesday. Yesterday was MLK day so all 3 of my kids had off. We had a fun and somewhat relaxing weekend that was longer than was suppose to be (thank you to my kids getting sick). I feel like everywhere was getting hit by this winter storm. We didn't get any snow accumulation but a lot of wind and cold temps. What was the weather like by you this weekend?

Thursday January 11

Thursday did not go as planned at all. Plans got cancelled and moved around because one child woke up with a fever after having a very rough night of sleep, and another child woke up with a sore throat that progressed into a fever. Guess their weekend is starting early. 

I go upstairs to check on Anna to see if she was ready for lunch. I find her asleep under a pile of books. (Yes I removed the books that where by her head). She ended up taking two naps this day and not eating much. 

I also found Austin asleep on the couch and he only ever naps when he is sick. Thankfully he seemed to kick whatever bug he had rather quickly. By dinner time there was no more fever and he was feeling like himself. 

With them not feeling good I grabbed my activate -c to help keep me healthy. (find out more about the wellness box)

They both had fevers on and off all day, just whiny and moody. After Brian got home from work Ella (who was feeling fine) and I did a Costco run that I was suppose to do earlier in the day. We had dinner and an early bedtime.  

Friday January 12

I went downstairs to this gorgeous sunrise. It didn't last long but it was worth taking a picture of. Especially with the day I know I had ahead of me. I was suppose to watch my girlfriends daughter, but with my kids sick she opted to switch her schedule. Brian had a procedure where he needed a driver and I couldn't take the kids (Austin hadn't been fever free for 24 hours to go back to school yet). I had to find a babysitter at the last minute, it was just a headache. 

I came prepared to Brian's appointment with my water, a snack, and my kindle stocked with books. I finished the Villain Era by Luna Pierce and started a new book. His appointment went a lot longer then expected because the patient before him had complications that pushed his appointment back. Thankfully everything with Brian's procedure went well, no problems found, and he is good for another 5 years. 

Friday afternoon the wind, freezing rain, freezing temps etc rolled in. It was miserable outside. I went and grabbed dinner then we stayed home and relaxed. Anna did some organizing her colored pencils and coloring as I read and Brian watched tv. Austin was jumping around from xbox to coloring to watching tv. 

Saturday January 13

Anna and Austin decided to sleep in the same bed, which was been the trend on weekends. They were both up before 6am. Austin turned on the tv and they were fine until Anna needed more water. 

Before we went on vacation Anna and Brian were having cookies and coffee every morning. We got back form vacation and I threw away all the old cookies. Anna made the comment earlier this week that she wanted a cookie and coffee. I had a package of the Christmas tree cookies in the fridge. I baked them so Brian and Anna could have their morning time. (then Anna decides she doesn't like these cookies, who doesn't like Pillsbury sugar cookies?)

The rest of the morning was just a lazy day, watching tv, cuddling, playing video games etc. 

Brian had an afternoon house showing. He went to work and I went in the basement to workout. Saturdays workouts are live and a different format, but you can watch the live later also. Anna started working out with me but didn't like the format so she went and played Barbie's. 

It's game day. The Cleveland Browns made the playoffs and we weren't missing it. Our neighbors invited us over with all our kids. (We were invited somewhere else but it was stated no kids allowed, sorry we have kids and enjoy the chaos that comes with them) We had fun watching the game, eating delicious smoked meats and other food, conversations with our neighbors and their family, and kids playing together. Even if the game was horrible and the Browns did not win. 

There was a cute ghost wondering around upstairs when she was suppose to be going to bed. 

Brian was going to his brothers house for a little bit after the kids went to bed. He joked that he needed a Kansas Chiefs shirt because our home team isn't making it anywhere. I said well your daughter had a shirt. He only put it on for pictures. 

Sunday January 14

 I woke up Sunday morning with temps -12 and still getting colder. I texted my girlfriend and asked her if they were still going to church. Her girls and Anna still wanted to go so we well went to church. It was cold outside, thankfully it was nice and warm at church.

After church my girlfriend and her daughters came over to a playdate and girl chat for a few hours. 
That afternoon Brian had another house showing. The kids and I curled up on the couch and watched Incredibles 2. 
We ended the evening with our neighbors at our house with all the kids running amuck. We watched whatever football game was on (Dallas Cowboys vs someone else). It was another great time.

Monday January 15

No school and I didn't have to pick up Ella until 9. I got to sleep in, just a little to late. I woke up at 8:15 and rushed to get myself and the kids ready to leave to go get Ella, they also slept in and hadn't had breakfast yet. I fed them, got everyone dressed, then Brian offered to stay home with them until I got back so I didn't have to drag them out in the cold. It was -15 when I was out and about. 
I came home with Ella, Brian went to work, and I made myself breakfast. Eggs with peppers and black beans and yogurt with blueberries and granola. 

My office got taken over by Swifties. Both girls were using Sharpies on a pair of jeans. (Anna's leggings that were jean colored had a big whole in the knee anyways so I didn't care). 

The kids requested a movie lunch. They had leftover homemade mac and cheese then all curled up in the living room and watched Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy. (Austin is laying on the ground covered up)
While they were watching tv, I slipped downstairs to get my workout done. 

I had scheduled grocery pick up between 3 and 4. My order wasn't ready until after 4 and threw off our dinner being late and Brian and Austin having basketball. 

We ended out long weekend with baths/showers and bedtime stories. 

Also linking up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday

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  1. Hate to hear the kids felt bad. Glad everyone is better and that your hubby's procedure went ok. Sounds super cold where you are! We had a "real-feel" of -2 yesterday and it was brutal!

  2. Love that pic of your daughter surrounded by all of those books- precious!


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