What We Ate Week 5

 Hey friends. I didn't go grocery shopping last Monday like I normally do. I stretched my groceries and what we had on hand until Thursday, we could have gone a few more days but I wanted/needed a few odds and ends. Brian also did end up going to the store a few times during the week for odds and ends. I put an Instacart order in on Thursday to last me a week and a half, hopefully.  Sick kids have really messed up my routines, plans and menu. Lets see what I ate last week and what I have planned for this week. 


I don't think I ever shared, 99% of the time we sit down as a family to eat breakfast, minus Ella. Ella leaves for the bus at 7am and Austin gets up at 7am. Brian, Austin, Audrianna, and I sit down to eat together. Ok Anna doesn't always eat with us if she isn't awake yet, some days she had the luxury of sleeping in. Most mornings we have eggs of some sort. The kids like cereal, eggs, or waffles. 

I made sourdough cinnamon roll focaccia. We had it with breakfast a few mornings. 

I found biscuits that were in the fridge and going to expire that I made to have throughout the week. Here is a chicken sausage from Trader Joes egg and cheese sandwich.

Saturday morning the kids asked for eggs too. Scrambled eggs, with some fruit, biscuit with homemade jam and a cookie. 


I was not prepared for this week and a sick little girl who wouldn't let me leave her side longer than 30 seconds. I saw someone share on Instagram about using their one second chopper to cup up a salad and eat it out of there. I had that a few days this week.


Rice cake with organic peanut butter and chocolate chips. 

Everything has been quick this week for snacks with sick kids. My go to have been popcorn, protein bars, and rice cakes with Costco organic peanut butter and mini chocolate chips


This weeks dinner were all over the place. Brian wasn't home much, sick kids didn't want to eat, and didn't want me to leave their sides. 

Monday - Spaghetti sauce with alfredo sauce and chicken nuggets from Costco

Tuesday- Brian made chicken noodle soup

Wednesday- Teriyaki sheet pan with green beans and bread, not pictures salad

Thursday - Grilled Cheese with sourdough bread, I just threw it in the air fryer to toast bread and melt cheese. 

Friday - Local take out- we ordered Bonnie Bar and Grill. I got chicken fingers appetizer tossed in Thai chili sauce and a side of french fries. (they don't have boneless wings)

Saturday- Chickpea Turkey Chili

This weeks menu:

Monday- Chicken Philly Sandwiches (take 2)

Tuesday- Heart Pasta Jambalaya 

Wednesday- Heart Tortilla Pizza

Thursday- Leftovers

Friday- Local Fish Fry

Saturday- Tomato Spinach Tortellini Soup

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