Elf on the Shelf 2024 Week 3

 Hey friends. Back for another week of elf adventures with Gusgus and Snowflake. 

Saturday December 14 - Day 16

I think they are hinting we need to decorate this tree still

Sunday December 15- Day 17

Let's play a game

Monday December 16- Day 18

Gusgus and Snowflake made breakfast

Tuesday December 17- Day 19

We may not have any snow but we can play pin the nose on a snowman

Wednesday December 18- Day 20

Snowflake wanted a tutu too

Thursday December 19- Day 21

Let's play the cup stacking game

Friday December 20- Day 22

Gusgus and Snowflake brought a new book from the kids favorite collection "There was an old lady who swallowed a ..." 

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