Hodge Podge Jan 15

 Hey loves. How is your week going? It is our first full week back to school since we had an unexpected snow day last week. Next week my kids have a 3 days week, they are off Monday and Friday which is so weird. With that I am trying to do all the things, prepare for the weeks ahead, catch up on cleaning that hasn't happened since before Thanksgiving. Life is just a little hectic right now. I linking up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodge Podge.


1.  It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate. 

I need inspiration the most right now. Inspiration to motivate me to do what I need to do. Currently going through a lot of changes with a new job, Brian working from home, and just trying to get everyday life back in order. 

2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself? 

Both. I think you have to be in the right mindset and put yourself out there for an opportunity to happen. Is not it necessarily going to come knocking on your door if you never leave the house. But if you put yourself somewhere for an opportunity to happen than yes it can come to you.

3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite? 

I have never been a fan of visiting museums. 

4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day)...do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy? 

I do enjoy oatmeal. I don't eat it as often as I would like. I prefer overnight oats but by the time I think about it I don't have the energy to make it. I do not like mushy oatmeal on the stove I need texture. 
I am not a big fan of oatmeal cookies. 

5.What's something useful you learned in high school? 

I went to a vocational school for Cosmetology for my junior and senior year. I was taught everything I needed to know to pass my state board test to be a licensed cosmetologist. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I was looking at the forecast ahead for next week. Ohio is suppose to get hit with the coldest temperatures we have had in years. They are already talking about the wind chill being -24 on Tuesday. I am preparing for 

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  1. With holidays and snow days, it is rare to have a "normal" week it seems in January. That seems like a great opportunity to complete cosmetology classes while in high school. The weather sounds so cold for next week! Have a good day!

    1. I am not looking forward to next weeks cold. I am ready for February

  2. Nice to meet you. Yes I'm sure the time from Thanksgiving to January is quite disrupted and I like to get back to a "normal" routine. Brrr that's cold weather. Stay warm.

  3. It does sound like things are hectic espiecally with your kids not being at school every day!
    I hope the inspiration comes to you to give you some motivation.
    I love the idea of overnight oats but when it comes to making them I never get around to it.

    1. so far this week has been going better with getting things done.

  4. We are forecast to get very low temps - 20s even. Some peoples' weather apps predict snow but not mine. I think it's only Apple. I don't believe them! A trusted weather blog I read said anything past 5 days is inaccurate at best. We shall see!

    1. I heard anything more than 2 days away in the winter is not predictable. especially when we get a lot of lake effect.

  5. We are supposed to have crazy cold here next week too. My daughter will be here and was excited when I told her it was in the 50's yesterday. I didn't mention next week's forecast lol. Good luck getting in to the new routines. We put a lot of pressure on January but I feel like it always takes me the whole month to get in gear following the holidays and all the end of year busy-ness. Have a great day!

    1. I agree we do put a lot of pressure on ourselves in January.

  6. Vocational schools are such a practical option! I'm in OH too, and so not looking forward to next week's super cold temperatures! But trying not to complain - after all, I don't have to work outside. Have a great week and stay as warm as possible!

    1. I feel you on not wanting to complain about the cold. I told Brian this morning we should bring in all the furry friends outside, he told me I can't let the deer in the house.


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