Mom Life At Home - Week 1

We have survived and thrived through the first week (and then some) of the kids being home from school. Our school district started their mandatory shut down on Friday March 13. They are off until at least April 6th, even though I don't think they will be going back to school then if at all the rest of this school year. I am hoping they do get to go eventually this year to see their friends and what not.

Yesterday we also started Brian working from home as the state of Ohio has issued a Stay At Home Order except for essential outings, (dr appts, grocery shopping, working at essential locations) until April 6th. Brian is a realtor and his job is considered essential but thankfully he can do most things from home.

Friday March 13

Our first day home. There was no game plan of what was going on. It turned into a stressful free for all. Between new cases of the virus and kids being full of energy I didn't take one picture that day. Ella did go to her dad's for the weekend as planned.

Saturday March 14

Saturday we have started eating local, carry out. We got Biggy's Coffee and Cocky's Bagels for breakfast. We took it back home to eat since we can't feed Audrianna in the car. Rested some then hit up a few stores to finish shopping we needed to get done. No we did not become hoarders we had regular shopping we needed to do.

Sunday March 15

My favorite tradition we do every week usually is pancake Sunday. We had berries that needed used up so Brian made homemade syrup.Trying to keep like somewhat normal.

Sunday I spent as a catch-up day. Trying to get organized for the week, finish laundry I started on Friday, preparing for the week ahead, all the things. Brian and Austin worked on our kitchen remodel. Austin helped paint and tear out baseboards. Later that evening Brian installed cabinets to this wall that never had them before. 

Monday March 16

Monday morning I drove to pick up Ella from her dads. It is all highway driving which is normally rush hour. It was so weird driving with light traffic. It was a nice calm but the harsh realty what was going on in the world. The skies however were beautiful to take in.

It was a gorgeous sunshine and a great start to the day ahead.

The day consisted of a lot of playing. The kids got along, dragged out toys they haven't played with in a while. It was oddly weird but so welcoming. 

Even Audrianna got in on the being a fire woman and the kids shared with her too.

The weather was decent so I kicked Ella and Austin outside for a little while. Our goal each day is to get 30 minutes of fresh air weather permitting. Ella drew me a picture. In every heart is a letter that spells out "I LOVE MOM"

Austin rode his bike and loves playing in the dirt with his trucks.

I had a little running around to do and Ella went with me. She had earned a reward surprise that I hadn't gotten around to getting her we did a little mother daughter time too. She got a Oreo Shamrock McFlurry from McDonalds for passing her timed math tests. We ran by Austin's speech therapy school to get his homeschool work and made a quick trip to Aldi.

Austin and I started our spring cleaning challenge and washed windows. 

Ella decided to do three magic shows that day, pretty identical but she was enjoying it and that's all that matters. Overall we had a fun but busy day.

Tuesday March 17

Tuesday started off rough. Audrianna had a bad night, Ella and Austin slept on the couch and just threw off my morning routine. Audrianna took an early nap on Ella's pillow and used her blanket. Ella was a little mad since she doesn't share her blanket with anyone. 

First day of schoolwork. Ella's teachers posted assignments for 4 weeks. She has 15 minutes of math, and 15 minutes of reading each day. Then a weekly assignment for art and music. For gym she has a bingo board to complete. All her assignments are done online and she really has been enjoying them. She normally does more math because it is "fun".

Happy St Patricks Day. Brian bought a box mix of Irish Soda bread for us to make. Ella and Austin did awesome with sharing and taking turns. Unfortunately the bread turned out gross and went in the trash. I hear you either love or hate Irish Soda bread and we decided it isn't our cup of tea.

Our school is doing different scavenger hunts around the city. The kids are suppose to color different themes and hang them in the front window. Then when your on a walk or driving around count how many you find. For St Patricks day they did four leaf clovers. 

This was the extent of the kids wearing green. I always forget to buy green clothes. 

Wednesday March 18

Day 2 of homeschooling moved to the basement office. Ella has her own space and less distractions even with Austin and Audrianna downstairs playing. 

I started a new workout program that I am in love with. With everything going on it feels great to be doing something for myself and to punch something, even if it is air. 

Some more random fun, don't let the balloon touch the ground. 

Ella's school has started a daily lego challenge. Each day there is a different theme. I am loving that Ella is excited to build something new with her lego's everyday. Don't you love the tape for Ella's side and Austin's side. 

The first days challenge was the build your own roller coaster. Ella did a Frozen themed ride with a big hill. Austin just put together his Toy Story roller coaster. 

Thursday March 19

My virtual gym community has started a kids virtual gym. Ella and I joined in on day one and completed a Tony Horton Double Time workout which is designed for two people and kids.

She said it was more fun than gym class and cool to see other people working out. Audrianna also joined in with rolling the ball back and forth. Beachbody has released a bunch of programs designed for kids to get exercise in this time of need. 

A fun lunch. I have been mixing it up and doing different things for lunch most days. They have been liking it.

Day 2 of the lego challenge build a rocket ship to go into space.

Friday March 20

Friday was surprisingly warm. It was 67 degrees at 9am. The rain stopped and we all enjoyed a few hours outside. 

Ella found "her friends" aka some potato bugs.

Both kids enjoyed flying kites. This was Austin's first time ever and he really enjoyed it. The wind was perfect.

Brian took Aubriella and Austin for a run, Audrianna was sleeping. I got outside and climbed up on the ladder and cleaned windows and scrubbed all the crap out of it. 

Another fun lunch. We used silicone cupcake models.

We broke some rules. Eating in the living room. The kids wanted a picnic outside then it started to rain so we moved it inside.

Day 3 of the lego challenge build you new house, Ella included a pool with a slide and a hot tub just for mom.

Going around Facebook experiment teaching kids about germs and washing their hands. We did this with the kids after arguing with Austin to wash his hands. Since then he has washed his hands no questions.

Saturday March 21

Saturday was a rough day. Brian had to work part of the day, the weather was crappy and cold, and the kids weren't behaving. Brian also went to a "social distancing" birthday party that I didn't agree with. It was just a lot. It was a hard day all around. 

Sunday March 22

Ella helped Brian make our tradition Sunday breakfast of pancakes. We had more berries to use up again so we made homemade syrup again. She loves helping in the kitchen.

For whatever reason I had a horrible headache on Sunday, the kids were wild, and then we go the news that Ohio was going into a Stay at Home order. That has brought on a lot more stress and anxiety. It weekend ended on a bad note for the week ahead. 

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