5 Questions

Hey loves. The weather is gorgeous this week. We are running on no real schedule, besides school. I really need to get back to a routine, but then I think it will all be thrown off again in 2 weeks when we have Spring Break. Today I am just going to answer a few questions that I got recently on Instagram Stories. 

Do you have any tattoos?

No I do not. I have a few I have always wanted but have never made the commitment to getting one. 

How do you deal with stress?

My "me time" and "mindset morning" helps me start my day off on the right foot and helps with stress. Getting in a workout, time to myself, taking a bath, going for a walk or a drive. 

Any vacations planned this year?

This year we have a vacation planned in August to go to Florida. Exact details of what we are doing are up in the air depending on what is going on restrictions wise. We will at least be going to the beach and getting out of Ohio. Our hotel also has a pool and other fun activities. 

Any Easter plans?

We are still working out all the details for this year. I don't have Ella on Easter so we will at least get together with my family on Saturday. On Easter morning we will do our Easter egg hunt and baskets before Ella goes to her dads. 

Favorite Meal to Cook for the family?

Something they all will eat, which changes all the time. But really I love being creative with seasoning. I love making homemade pizza and having the kids help in the kitchen. 

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