Friday Favorites End of June

 Hey loves. Happy Friday and Happy last day of June. This month flew by. With school ending, vacation, birthdays, funerals, summer school, etc I haven't had time to catch my breath it feels like. I am excited for no big plans in July besides two of my kids birthdays. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

When we got home from vacation we found a nest with one white birds egg on our front porch. 

In the time we have been home we haven't seen any movement up there. I checked and now there are two brown speckled eggs in the nest. I am so confused. 

~ TWO ~

Summer calls for late nights, hanging out with neighbors now friends, having a fire and smores made with Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. 


Some of Austin's baseball team. I love seeing them improve week by week. 

~ FOUR ~

Austin has summer school every morning for a few hours. After school the three of them have been getting along and playing together (for the most part). Ella leaves today for vacation with her dad for 11 days and she wrapped them little gifts for each day before she left. (it was toys they already had). 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

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