My Bible Recap Experience

 Hey friends. We are home from vacation, my kids are back in school this week, I started watching a girlfriends daughter a few days a week, and I have a to do list 5 miles long. Happy New Year. I say all that as it feels great to be home and getting into a routine again. We still have our Christmas decorations up and they are itching to get put away as well as declutter and purge a lot of stuff, aka kids toys. Little by little I am doing some decluttering challenges (taking them at my own pace) and getting rid of one thing a day from the basement. So many fun things happening this year. 

Along with life, this past year I have dug into the Bible, joined a church, and got baptized. Last year I read the whole bible in a year using the Bible Recap method. As a girl who didn't grow up going to church ever (besides weddings and funerals) all this has been a scary step out of my comfort zone experience. Especially reading the whole bible was very intimidating. I have enjoyed it every step of the way. 

Back in 2021 I joined a group of women in an online devotional bible study. We all read Choose Joy by Kay Warren. I started off using the bible app on my phone to read the bible along with the book, but felt like I physically needed to touch the book and read it. I bought A Christian standard bible from She Reads Truth on Amazon. I loved the color and it came recommended to me. There is space to journal, little introductions into each chapter, and indented tabs. 

Last year (2023) after hearing so many friends, other bloggers, and moms I follow on social talking about reading the bible in a year with The Bible Recap, I decided to give it a go too. 

Before I jump into my experience of what I did and what I am doing differently, if you are interested in reading the bible in a year, it isn't to late. You should visit Tara-Leigh Cobble’s website for all the information.  You can read all about how to “do it” HERE on her site. 

Note- you can use whatever bible version you have or the Bible app. The Bible Recap goes in chronological order. I bible app I use along with my physical bible by You Version.

Last year I printed off the whole bible plan to know what I was suppose to read. (Here is the updated leap year version). After reading each days chapters I would highlight them. I highlighted the day number after I listened to the Bible recap podcast. (all the links to podcasts and Youtube can be find on the website.)

Most of the year I listened to the bible via the bible app while driving or doing something else. If something really struck me I would go back to the physical bible and reread it. After listening to the bible I would then listen to the podcast with Tara Leigh Cobble. That's it I read/listened to the bible in a year. I learned a lot, but felt like I could learn so much more. 

This year I purchased the Bible Recap Study Guide to go along with reading the bible again in a year. I want to dive deeper into reading the bible and understanding it better.

  1.  Every day I am physically reading the bible while listening to the bible via the bible app. I will highlight and make marks as I go. (pressing pause so I don't miss anything) No more multi-tasking.
  2.  After I read, I watch The Bible Recap on Youtube. Again being focused. I will also have my journal out to write anything that Tara says that catches my attention.
  3. Next I grab my Bible Recap Study Guide and answer the questions that I know off hand. Time allotted I will research the answers to the questions I don't know, otherwise I will come back to this later. 
  4. I take a few minutes and pray.
  5. Write in my gratitude journal, and finish writing in my journal. 
  6. Read a devotional. 
That all may sound like a lot, but I get it done in around 30 minutes. Some days less some days more. 

I do not recommend using regular highlights in your bible, the pages are thin and they bleed through. I have tried a bunch of different kinds. I found a set I am currently loving. These are pastel colors, are very light but still noticeable and don't bleed. 

I feel so much more relaxed the days I get my bible reading done before anyone else wakes up. There are days I miss but catch up. While on vacation over the new year I didn't take my physical bible just my journal and study guide. I am going back and diving in again to be 100% present and focused. 

The other thing I have been doing, not just for me but with Anna is reading The Beginners Bible that she received when she was baptized last year. Having a little story has helped me with comprehension. 

Have you read the bible in its entirety? If you are wanting to do the Bible Recap and looking for accountability I would love to connect.

Have a wonderful Tuesday. 

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  1. Good for you! I've attended church my whole life and have never read the entire bible. I took a class in university called The Making of the English Bible and I still have the text book so maybe I'll dig it out and see what I can learn about.

    1. I never realized how many people haven't read the whole bible. I thought it was "just me" and everyone who was religious and went to church had read it before

  2. My mom did the Bible recap last year and really enjoyed it! I’m using Search the Scriptures, which is a three year study on the whole Bible. Lots of great questions and it really has me digging deeper in the Bible and my spirit!

    1. thanks for sharing. I am going to look into the Search the Scriptures.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Talking About It Tuesdays.


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