Hey friends. How was your weekend? We had a somewhat busy, somewhat relaxing, somewhat productive weekend. Overall good weekend. It is a double post kinda of day. Be sure to also check out What Brought Me Joy in May.
Austin's last day at school in his cast. He was excited and nervous to get it taken off. He went to school half a day.
We had decided we were NOT keeping the cast after hearing horror stories of how bad they stink, attract bugs, etc. Instead I took pictures so Austin can remember who signed his cast. (The doctor never even offered if we wanted to keep it, but did offer for us to keep the pins of which we said no)
Austin did so good with his appointment. While he was having the cast cut off I stood next to him and held his other hand. It doesn't hurt he was just nervous and we didn't want him fidgeting to much.
The doctor also pulled the pins out. TMI if you don't want details skip ahead. To remove the pins they don't put you to sleep, numb you by any means, or give you anything. They say it doesn't hurt it just a little pressure you feel. The doctor used plier and wiggled and pulled they out. The first one Austin said ouch but that is a normal reaction when you think it is going to hurt. They put a bandage over the holes and wrapped it up. We had to keep that on until the next day. Then he could shower. After he is completely scabbed over he can go swimming.
Austin still had restrictions of activity. Mostly because of the nerve damage that hasn't healed and can't move his thumb or index finger. They do want him to move his arm and wrist and get strength back in it, but not do anything that could potentially hurt him.
That afternoon we had a birthday party to go to for our neighbor friend who was turning 5. They had a huge bounce house, pinota, and a cotton candy. (instead of cake)
The cotton candy was a hit. Austin took his tablet and spent most of the time inside playing on the tablet. He was nervous with just getting his cast removed and the amount of kids there. He did awesome. He even asked if he could go on the bounce house himself, the answer is no not for at least the next month.
Anna didn't have soccer because our city hosts a huge tournament that travel teams come from states away. (They actually do some of the games in the field behind our house, we were up at 7am with the games starting that early) Austin had a baseball game. Even though he can't play, Brian is still a coach and he goes and supports his team. While they were away Anna asked to play with the slime she got from the birthday party the night before. I am not a fan of slime so it is an outside toy.

Brian and the dads were working on our garden (which is in one of our neighbors backyard because it is fenced in). They were originally watching the kids, then had to run somewhere so I got the kids. Then we got invited to another neighbors house to play in the sprinkler and little pools. I knew that Austin wasn't allowed to totally submerge his arm but getting wet for a sprinkler or water pool wasn't going to hurt him. (I am also changing his band-aid and keeping a close eye on his wound to make sure it scabs and we don't get an infection that would go straight to his bone). The neighbor kids that I were watching, the mom was packing for vacation that they were leaving on the next day. Instead of asking her for swim suits for her kids, I just put them in my kids extra suits even though they didn't fit perfectly.
They all had so much fun and got along. Austin did great, no one threw a water balloon at his arm.
It's so cute to see them cuddling, they were cold from the sprinkler.
After swimming we all headed over for dinner. We had smoked ribs and chicken, and burgers. The girls were are going to town eating a watermelon. Taking a bite and passing it to the other.
Anna even enjoyed sharing ribs with her dad. We had a great next then it was home for showers because the girls were throwing sand in the sandbox again. Sunday
Anna and I slept in until 730, this is huge as she had been getting up before 6. I laid in bed and read for a while because I had a book I borrowed from the library that I needed to finish up.
We didn't go to church. I wanted a relaxing morning. Brian also offered to take our neighbors to the airport. They could all fit in my van with their luggage and not have to worry about ubers and car seats. Their kids are also pretty much the same size as my kids so the car seats work out great.
That afternoon we went to Brian's mom's house for a cookout. We had burgers and hot dogs. We were home by 630 because it started to storm. It called for a relaxing evening at home with lots of cuddling and I finished my book.
I also took no pictures of Sunday.
The plan was for a relaxing day at home. Brian made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then I cleaned the kitchen. Anna played with this new Bloxels game we got but she just made cute designs. This is a butterfly.
Ella's Girl Scouts troop walked in the local memorial day parade. Her father took her and shared this picture with me.
Her leader sent them picture, only a few of the girls were able to make it.
Brian worked in the garage building flower pots for our back patio that we are going to hang string lights from.
We ended up going over my girlfriends house for a few ours for the kids to play and a little cookout. Even though originally I didn't want to go anywhere, it was nice not having to make dinner.
We got home and Austin finally got a haircut. It was getting so shaggy over the ears, but didn;t want to risk getting hair down his cast and him being all itchy, so I waited until after he got it off.
The rest of the evening was showers and getting ready for the week ahead.
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