Share Our Lives- Saving Time on Chores

 Hey loves. Happy Monday. It is a busy day. It is the first full week back to school, hopefully no snow or freeze days this week. I also have a meeting at the office today. It is also a three post day. Be sure to check out Meal Planning Monday Week 180, and Hello Monday. 

It is the first link up of Share Our Lives of 2025.  Join DaraJenJoannaSarah, and myself on the second Monday of every month we share different accepts of our lives. 

This month we are sharing tips on Saving Time on Chores.

I am going to be completely honest. I am on the struggle bus right now with household chores. I feel like I can't get caught up, can't get into a good routine, I want to switch things up, and I want to do all the things at once so I am getting nowhere. Part of my current struggle is still getting caught up from November when I hurt my back, then Christmas, winter break... and now Brian working from home and trying to be quiet when he is on the phone. 

Last year I was doing great with a cleaning schedule. 
Monday- bathrooms
Tuesday- vacuum/sweet/dust
Wednesday- kitchen and garbage
Thursday- kids rooms
Friday- laundry

But anytime we had company on the weekend I felt like I was a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything tidy and clean before anyone came over. 

This year I want to switch up my schedule. My big thing is cleaning the bathrooms either on Thursday or Friday, so before laundry is done and right before the weekend. Here is my new plan that I am starting this week (wish me luck)

Monday- living room/formal dinging room (they are attached)
  • dust
  • clean up toys
  • sweet
  • put things back where they go
  • disinfect 

Tuesday- kids bedrooms
  • organize
  • vacuum
Wednesday- kitchen and garbage night
  • clean out fridge
  • clean microwave/stove
  • house garage to curb

Thursday- bathrooms
  • scrub shower/tub
  • clean toilet
  • wipe down mirror and sink
  • replace towels

Friday- laundry
  • wash, fold and put away all laundry

Daily cleaning 
  • straighten up living room
  • vacuum if needed
  • turn off all lights upstairs
  • clean up toothpaste mess 
  • put dishes away from the night before
  • load dishes into the dishwasher from breakfast
  • make beds
  • wipe down table and counter in kitchen
  • fill diffuser and humidifiers
  • fill the dishwasher and start it
  • hand wash dishes
  • wipe down counters
  • sweep if needed
My best random tips
  • set a timer and get what you can done in 15 minutes
  • keep bathroom cleaning supplies under bathroom sink
    • clean bathroom while the kids are in the shower/tub
  • ask the kids to help by making it a game and playing the clean up song
  • have a landing zone on the stairs instead of going up or down every time you find something out of place, then take everything up when you go

What tips do you have to help saving time on doing chores?

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  1. It is definitely easier to stay on top of chores now that the kids are older, have fewer toys everywhere, and help out more. When they were younger it was a constant struggle. I hope your new schedule works out for you but also give yourself some grace. Some stages of life are just harder to keep chores a priority.

    1. the amount of toys is insane, and Lego sets that are half built everywhere are driving me nuts. Today hasn't gone as planned already but I will get there.

  2. Keeping up with things is harder when kids are little, for sure! Having a daily/weekly routine is so helpful, so I like your plan. My thinking when I had a full and busy household was that if every Tuesday was bathroom cleaning day, then if stuff happened and I missed it one week, it was only one week that got missed, whereas if I didn't have a set day/time to do things, who knows when they'd get done. You've got a great routine to work with!

    1. that's a good idea of doing the bathroom earlier Incase it doesn't get done earlier in the week it was at least done

  3. I definitely think a schedule is worth following!

  4. Your schedule sounds good, wishing you luck with sticking to it! I said this on Joanne's post too, but I love the tip to set a timer! I need to try that one.

  5. Good luck with the new schedule! I do find there are some rooms that just seem to get cleaned more often than others; some because I procrastinate on cleaning and others are easy to clean but also I tend to clear the areas company will see more often too!

    1. I completely agree some rooms get cleaned more, especially the bathroom that company uses.

  6. I do find a timer works great for me. It sometimes all feels so daunting, but if I set a timer it's shocking how quickly I can get things done. Good luck with the new routine!

  7. I hope you have a great week!
    It is hard to get caught back up on chores when you fall behind. Good luck with your new plan!

  8. Good luck with your new cleaning schedule. I'm always looking at ways to improve mine if it's not working for me.


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