Hey loves. Happy Friday. It has been a week. Nothing has gone as planned, things have been hectic, chaotic, stressful, you name it I felt it. I am ready for the weekend and to get some things done and back on track.

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea. They are in a random order, they didn't upload right.
~ ONE ~
This little girl stole her sisters apple and ate 3/4 of it herself. She even hid from Ella while she was eating.
~ TWO ~
Yesterday most of the day we had a two bucks just handing out in our backyard. They must have dropped off GusGus, our elf on the shelf. He arrived this morning to start his 14 days of quarantine.
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
We finally got to enjoy some fall weather. Ella and Austin jumped in the leaves at least for 6 days.
~ SIX ~
Kids will be kids playing in the dirt. Austin was nice enough to let Audrianna play with him for a little while.
~ NINE ~
This little girl keeps me on my toes. She wanted in the fridge so I set her there. She ended up grabbing grapes.
In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Sunday- Meal Planning Sunday Week 24
Monday- Not Just A Mom Holiday Shopping
Tuesday- Bedside Book Review October
Wednesday- Let's Look Holiday Menu
Thursday- 1 yr old Holiday Gift Guide
Recipes from this week:
Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,
Feel free to follow along.
Okay I love your wood floors- they are gorgeous. And you are so cute with your Hallmark shirt and mocha. I would kill for a Starbucks right now! Haha!