Hey loves. Happy Thursday. This week is flying by. Our week started with no internet, and horrible cell service. That means I got nothing done I wanted to, but got a lot done around the house. Then Tuesday Anna was extra huggy. I am trying to catch up on everything and more and more keeps piling on. It is never ending. Add in gorgeous weather and the kids want to be outside playing 24/7, which I am not complaining about them being outside, just means things I want to get done are not getting done because I have to be outside with them playing as we don't have a fenced in yard. I can see my schedule is going to have to change for summer if I am going to get anything done I need/want to get done.

My goal is to do a post every week about our past week, but things have been hectic. This blog started as an online "scrapbook" back in 2008 after I was married, infertility, house hunting, having my first child, going through a divorce, two more kids... and has evolved so much over the years. In 2022 I still want to have those fun memories and photos to share with family that don't live local, to go back and look at, and share with my kids. Especially since we are at the phase of not printing out the thousands of pictures we take a year. (I need to get into the habit of printing some sort of photos.). Today's post is gonna be longer than normal, playing catch-up. I have redone my calendar for the next few months to be sure to include the our weeks posts.
Monday April 25
I had the girls that I watch. They were full of piss and vinegar and energy. Brian was also home in the morning playing with the girls. That adds to their energy when he is there.
Overall we had a low key day. I made a new favorite for the warmer weather, Iced Fresh Mint Matcha, I have been having these a few times a week. Ella was also suppose to have her first soccer practice but it got rained out.
Tuesday April 26
Our morning started off a little princess needing her nails painted. She stands at the kitchen island with a paper towel and we paint them there. If we are doing her toes she gets those done first by sitting on the island for more time to dry.
Anna had preschool then we needed to run into Dollar Tree for a few things. This was her first time just her and me shopping and she got to walk around and carry the basket. (with covid I avoided taking her shopping whenever possible or she was in the stroller) She loved it and kept grabbing items she wanted and put them in the basket. When I told her no she put them back without a fight. I did let her get a few things.
After the girls I watch got out of preschool I watched them for a few hours. There was lots of playing with a few arguments.
Let's not forget coloring. I bought each girl their own set of crayons because they always wanted the color another girl had at that time.
I rearranged my little garden corner. We have a few herbs (cilantro, basil, and parsley) which are not doing to well, the kids sunflowers (2 out of 3 doing good), mint, and the front planter I have had for a few years that also isn't doing to well.
Before the girls left Anna got hugs. Sophia gave one back willingly.
Sallie on the other hand is not a hugger, but didn't complain to much about getting a hug from Anna.
Ella had her first day of basketball camp. It is only a few weeks and put on by the girls high school basketball coach.
My parents went away for their 42rd wedding anniversary. They sent me a photo, like the one above. Then Ella wanted to recreate the photo and send it back.Wednesday April 27
I spent the day cleaning and this was the only picture I took the whole day. This is after dinner, Anna is laying on the bath mat that I had just bleached on our kitchen floor. It must have been a dramatic day.
Thursday April 28
Up at 5am to start my mindset morning.
I was heading downstairs to get my workout in, when this little princess wakes up at 530am. Instead of trying to put her back to sleep I got her some cereal and watching Enchanto on the tablet.
Then we headed downstairs to get my workout done. I knew if I didn't get it done early that it wouldn't get done.
Oh's this dressed in real clothes and hair done. Anna had school and I went to get some work done at Panera.
My best friend came over with her autistic daughter who had never had a haircut before. Her hair was long, knotted and she keeps eating it. We had discussed cutting it the best I could with her moving and screaming so she would stop eating it. I know it was a hot mess when she left but we achieved getting it shorter and out of her mouth. She was done and starting to grab for the scissors which was my biggest concern.
While I was cutting hair, Anna fell asleep on the floor curled up in a ball playing with her toys. I left her sleeping there to not risk waking her up.
After school Austin and Anna played out front in the flower bed digging in the dirt. Friday April 29
Another day I only took one picture. This is my wild child climbing the outside of the stairs. Knock on wood so far she stops when the stairs turn and she hasn't gotten up any higher. She keeps me on my toes. Oh and she can get down and hasn't fallen yet.
Saturday April 30
Up at 6 to start my day. Saturdays are going to be crazy now with soccer and t-ball.
I completed 4 weeks for everybody no impact workouts. No impact doesn't mean low intensity. It was a great program that challenged me in different ways. I loved that my back didn't bother me at all during these workouts and I didn't have to modify for the risk of straining my back.
Ella had her first soccer game. Yes a soccer game without having practice and never playing before. She did really good, her team won, and she played goalie a lot.
It was a cold morning in the upper 40s. We took both kids to see how it would go. I had a bag of stuff for them to play with. It started like this...
That lasted about 15 minutes then Anna was done and wanted to go play on the playground. Brian and I took turns watching her so one of us could also be watching Ella play.
We ended our Saturday with a Mother Daughter date night. We went shopping at Old Navy, Dollar Tree, TJ Maxx, Kohls and the mall. She picked Panera for dinner also. Sunday May 1
This is not my breakfast, it is Ella's banana split waffle we got take out for breakfast. She actually didn't like it being the fruit was canned and not fresh. I had a veggie omelet with no cheese.
Brian got the kids basketball set up in the driveway. We are still working on making a little spot for it to sit in the side yard. Austin decided he wanted to put using Anna's little trampoline.
Austin had his last flag football game of the season. He had fun, but said he doesn't want to do it again, unless he knew kids on the team. The place we signed him up was open to all the local communities.
After dinner we went for a family walk. Anna has been loving her new water wow.
We made it home just before it started raining. It wouldn't be spring if the kids weren't playing in the rain.
Monday May 2
I found Anna a Frozen Hat at Target in the Target Spot. She likes to steal Brian's hats so maybe she will wear her own in the sun.
The weather has been nice and Anna has been enjoying walking her siblings to the bus stop every morning.
Her favorite thing to do right now is to blow all the dandelion.
Lunch time workout.
Ella has soccer practice. The park has a nice walking trail that we saw some wild life.
Aren't the baby geese so cute.
I completed the 4 week gut protocol and 4 weeks for everybody no impact workouts. Lost 7 lbs, 6 inches, and a pants size. You can read all the details in yesterdays post What I AteTuesday May 3
Another morning, another day of blowing dandelions. I swear Anna blew them all the day before then they come back the next day. She enjoys it and that is all that matters. Eventually we will be fertilizing the grass and they will be gone.
Anna had preschool, then I hit up Trader Joes and grabbed my current mindset morning books to read/write in the car after shopping while I wait. She is only in school this year for 90 minutes.
Ella had basketball camp, we were having severe storms with possible tornado warning, this momma was a nervous wreck. Brian went to go get Ella and I opted to stay home and put the younger two to bed. When we were heading up the stairs Austin looked out the window and saw a rainbow. Wednesday May 4
I woke up early, got my mindset morning done. Then started to head downstairs in workout and little miss decided to wake up. Instead of fighting her to go back to sleep she came downstairs with me and played Barbie's.
It's the chin hold for me. I also love that she gives kisses and grabs your face.
I planned a special craft to do with the girls for Mother's Day. They had fun finger painting. I was so happy they behaved, listened, and didn't get paint anywhere they were not suppose to.
Thursday May 5
Austin decided his dinosaur needed his teeth brushed too. Random morning when Austin didn't argue to have his teeth brushed.
Cinco De Mayo calls for some margaritas.
Friday May 6
Early morning workout with the cutest workout partner.
Our contractor had been at the house the last 3 days installs lights and fans in all the bedrooms as well as switching around some electrical. I am so happy to have fans.
Saturday May 7
Saturday's in our house are now hectic with sports and two kids having something at the same time and throw in a 2 year old who doesn't sit still to watch a sibling play a sport (really what 2 year old does). It was suppose to be even crazier with Brian doing a charity 5k. I had my sister coming over to watch Anna, my mother in law taking Austin to t-ball practice and I would take Ella to her soccer game. It ended up being that soccer and tball got rained out. and we had a slower morning.
Ella still had soccer pictures, that we paid for in advance. It turned out to be a joke. Only Ella and the coach's son showed up. This is a sneak peak of what they did for her team shot. I am not very happy about this. Austin and Anna stayed in the car watching Moana. They were within my sight the whole time.
I deceived to make some dairy free mini muffins for Mother's day. Anna wanted to help too. We used the same batter but added blueberries to half and chocolate chips to the other half.
Off to drop this rock star off to MeMaw's, and Austin went to Grandma's for a few hours.
Ella had her Regional Science Bee competition. For her it started at 2, and could last until 7.
We are all so proud of her for making it to regionals. This was something that was never an option at her old school. She also could have done it virtually but choose to do it in person, which is live somewhat like jeopardy. Next year we will be more prepared for what is expected and what to practice to be able to possibly make it to nationals.
We ended up getting out of their around 4, did some last minute mothers day shopping then went out to dinner.
When we went to pick up Anna, she dragged Ella to play with the guinea pigs.
Ella is a goober as we are picking up Austin. Sunday May 8
Mother's Day. you can read a full day recap here
Monday May 9
A weird Monday. I dropped Anna off at my parents for her Memaw and Papaw day. I get back home and our internet is not working. (it was kinda working before I left). After messing with it I had no luck I gave up (all the apps and account is in Brian's name/phone) I grabbed Ella's cd player and some of my old cd's and jammed out while removing the rest of the wallpaper from our 1/2 bath.
Monday night means soccer practice. While Ella was at practice Brian, Anna, Austin and I walk around the park and play at the playground. They have this huge hill that is used for sledding in the winter. Austin decided to climb up it and run down it.
Anna loves the playground. Now if she would stay in the section that she is big enough for that would be great. She likes to go to the big kids area that she isn't big enough for.Tuesday May 10
Anna is adorable with her backpack on thinking she is going to sneak onto the bus with the bigger kids and no one is going to notice.
She was fighting a nap hardcore, (and had been for a few days). She looks so precious asleep, those eye lashes. Wednesday May 11
Yes I have a gate going across my driveway. Yes I know she can just walk right around it. But our driveway is slanted towards the street and it stops everything from scooters to balls rolling in the street. It has also stopped this little girl from driving her car, scooter, wagon, etc past the gate so far. This has helped ease my mommy mind of her running towards the street. Yes this may change at some time but it works great for now.
I finally opened her bubble lawnmower Christmas present. I love that it is battery powered and keeps blowing bubbles even if your not walking. She also loves it because she can play in the bubbles.
Our grass was getting long. Our one neighbor had already cut his three times. Both our lawnmowers don't currently work and aren't getting serviced until the end of May (which was the soonest we could get in and we called in March). I talked my parents into bringing their mower over so I could cut the grass. It may have not been straight lines, some zigzag, squares and who knows, but it all got cut.
I picked up Anna a kids rocking chair that I got off Facebook market place. She loves it.
I also got a haircut. Much needed layers trimmed up.
Thursday May 12
Such a gorgeous day. While Anna is at preschool I usually go work at Panera. Instead of sitting inside I decided to use my phone hot spot and sit at the park and get some work done. Plus I had stopped at Dunkin with Anna to get her some munchkins and I got an iced coffee.
Anna had a test at preschool. She can count to 14, but we need to work on her number recognition and putting things in order. She is only 2 we got time.
She loves her scooter with the seat.
I was sitting outside while she played and reading my devotionals/journals. She asked took one of my books to read. I went inside and brought her out her own books and she sat there and flipped through them all.
Late afternoon workout. I sampled a new workout program. 6 days, 2 different workout formats, 4 weeks, less than 30 minutes a day. Plus a strong focus on mental helath. I am excited so start in a few weeks.
Friday May 13
Austin had a kindergarten walk to school day. Everyone meets at a local church and walk to school together. It is .8 mile walk one way. I was surprised that there were over 50 students who did this but it was the perfect morning. Ella was also with us, but she has 4th grade walk to school in a few weeks.
I don't even have words for this.
Saturday May 14
Saturday morning soccer game. Ella's team won again. She isnt a big fan of soccer, but we are making her finish out the season. I love that even though she doesn't want to do it, she still participates and tries. and before someone says it. Ella is the one that wanted to try soccer this year. She wanted to try when she was 5 but her step mother didn't let that happen (long story) Her coach also has never coached or played soccer a day in his life, it is very unorganized and not much direction. It is pretty sad all the way around.
Austin had tball practice and Brian is one of the coaches so Anna was with me. I came prepared with her stroller, juice, water, snacks, a bunch of things to do and my secret weapon of play doh. She did very good.
If I fit I sit. This girl loves to play in water.
The aftermath of water, mud, and mulch. I was surprisingly able to get this all out of her clothes. When she was done we went straight in the house, she got washed up in the utility tub and her clothes went straight in the washer.
This is how shopping started. I can't tell you the last time Austin took a nap when he wasn't sick. Playing outside and t-ball in the sun wears you out.
Sunday May 15
Sunday was a catch up day, finish laundry, clean bedrooms, prepare for the week ahead etc. Everything that I didn't get done the week before because our contractor was there installing our new air conditioning and because Anna wanted to be outside 24/7.
While I was putting clothes away in Ella's room, Anna saw the Frozen dress and wanted to wear it.
More driveway fun.
More fun in water.
I have come to the conclusion that Anna will wear at least two outfits a day all summer.
Anna pushed out her screen, which is a pain in the ass/possibly broken. I can't get it put back in from the inside but have figured out how to do it from the outside. This calls for me climbing on the roof to fix it. Austin is a great photographer. Brian doesn't do roofs or heights so I did it. I can't wait to get our new windows in a few weeks. Disclaimer- I don't open Anna's window enough for her to get out the window and it is to hard to move on her own. It is the original windows of the house.
We ended out weekend eating dinner outside in the middle of our backyard on our patio table where the ground is level. We are waiting for some trees to be taken down so we can do a patio and deck. The kids went to the playground with Brian as I cleaned up the house and did dished. Then it was haircuts for Brian and Austin, baths and bed.
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