Friday Favorites

 Hey loves. Happy Friday. We made it through the week. Ella came home from being on vacation with her dad for 12 days. I watched my niece for two days while my dad had his second knee surgery. We have a busy weekend with celebrating my kids birthdays. Hopefully it isnt raining and hot like the weather is predicting. They have the worst of luck with their birthday parties and it be crappy outside. 

Time for some Friday Favorites from this past week with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea

~ ONE ~

Brian, Austin, Anna and I joined our neighbors at a local winery. We went on a Sunday around 1pm. We enjoyed some wine and food, while the kids ran around and played. I did not take one picture which is a shocker for me. This is the aftermath of playing outside and running around for two hours. She came home and took a 3 hour nap (and then didn't want to go to bed until 11pm) 

~ TWO ~

Austin had his last baseball game of the season on Saturday. When we their early to warm up it was lightly sprinkling. My plan was to stay in the truck until the game officially started. Anna lasted in the car a few minutes than said "I want to melt" as in she wanted to go outside in the rain. Which we ended up doing. They played 2 innings then it got rained out so the game didn't count. 


I watched my niece for two days with a sleepover while my dad was having his second knee surgery. All the kids got along and played together and no fighting. It was wonderful. 

~ FOUR ~

Austin's team had one playoff game. They ended up losing 12-8 but still had a lot of fun. Austin had his last hit of the season and Grandma, Aunt Judy and Uncle Kenny were also there to see it.

Brian and another coach treated the team to ice cream. 

Ella and Claudia also got to go along. Anna didn't behave at the game and kept running away so I took her home. 

~ FIVE ~

We received free range organic chicken eggs from my sister in law in Kentucky. I went to make Claudia an egg for breakfast. I cracked one egg and it had two yolks. It was her good luck for the day.

~ SIX~ 

I bought a slip and slide at Aldi a few weeks ago. It was finally nice enough to put it out and Ella was home to show the younger ones how to use it. They played outside with it for a good hour. (I don't want to see my water bill)


Miss independent. Sitting outside playing a game on Noggin. She also insisted on eating dinner outside. 


Ella made her own nail salon in the basement. She also cleaned up the mess afterwards too.

~ NINE ~ 

Audrianna turned 4

New light up wings and a magnifying glass like Mira Royal Detector (tv show off Disney)

~ TEN~ 

Trains, ice cream, and air planes for some birthday fun. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

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1 comment

  1. I hope you have a lovely weekend celebrating the kids birthdays and the weather is nice.
    What a fun week.


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