Friday Favorites Happy December.

 Hey loves. Happy December. I am so excited for all the fun holiday stuff we have planned for this month. It is hard to believe that 2023 is quickly coming to an end. We have a busy weekend with a date night, parents day out at church, and Anna and Austin are getting baptized on Sunday. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

The two youngest got to help with painting our living room. (Ella didn't want to help) Austin was a pro with the paint, he also removed all the tac strips from the carpet in both rooms. 

Anna got to help too with Uncle Kenny's help. 

~ TWO ~

I took the kids to a fun holiday event at one of the local libraries. There was crafts, coloring, games, pictures, a reindeer but if you ask Anna the best part was seeing Elsa, even though we waited in line for an hour. ( I don't wait that long at Disney World) 


Sibling love - playing games together. The few days they had off before Thanksgiving (then Ella went to her dads) they played at least 10 games together. They also watched Christmas Chronicles again. 

Anna and Austin shared a bed a few night over break. It was wonderful that I wasn't woken up in the middle of the night because Anna wanted her mommy, instead she got her Bubba. 

~ FOUR ~

Our adventures with Gus Gus our Elf on the shelf have started again for another year of fun. You can check back on Saturdays for a recap of his adventures from the week. 

~ FIVE ~

Anna has been sick, no that isn't a fun or favorite of the week. But with her sick there has been lots of cuddles and lots of enjoying the Christmas lights and watching Christmas movies. 

~ SIX ~

Anna has her own little play area in the dining room again. (it was temporarily moved to the office during the remodel now back in the dining room as a Christmas tree is in the office) She helped pick out a little rug for her area even though she has taken over the floor too. Right on the step (not pictured) she has a jingle bell that is her doorbell and she calls it her house. 


Tuesday morning I woke up to a winter wonderland. It was lake effect and came fast and hard. At 6am Brian came home from the gym and it wasn't even snowing. By 620 Ella called me to look out the window, you couldn't see across the street. By 7am we had a few inches. 

Austin is such a good helper. He went out there and helped shovel some before school. It was a heavy snow and he got cold so wasn't out there to long. 


Two new episodes up on Youtube this week. How I Meal Plan, which was requested from an Instagram friend. 

And Grocery Haul after sharing how I meal plan. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Wednesday- What's Up Wednesday 

This Weeks Recipes:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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