Friday Favorites

Hey loves. Happy Friday. We crushed this week. From family time, great weather, kids behaved, me time and so much more. No big plans for this upcoming weekend. Can you believe that it is the end of July. I am ready for a new month, new routine for myself, and to rock another month. We have a whole month before school starts for us so one more month of summer. Still no final details of how the year is going to go for us yet.

~ ONE ~

Maybe Audrianna will be my musical child. She had so much fun playing with this little drum set that is at Grandma's house. It was Austin's toy that he never really played with. Yes I like to keep the noisy toys at the grandparents since they are usually the ones who buy them.

~ TWO ~

Ella and Austin had a dance party. Ella got all dressed up for it in a dress and heels. Her dancing was fun but her facial expressions were so intense. Ella picked to dance to Katy Perry Roar.

Austin just had fun dancing and being him crazy self. He choose to dance to Disney Zombies music.


Audrianna loves her swing. Her new thing is grabbing the other swings.

~ FOUR ~

Family day at the zoo with wearing masks. Here we are riding the train to make Austin happy. Afterwards we had a picnic lunch at a park.

~ FIVE ~

We had some severe thunderstorms this week. All three kids were looking out the window of all the rain and wind. All while I would prefer to hid in the basement.

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

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