Friday Favorites

 Hey loves. Happy Friday. Vacation is over, and summer is in full swing. We have been having so much fun. I thought I was going to be freezing going from Florida with temps in the 100s to Ohio with temps in the lower 80s and upper 70s. I was wrong. 

If you are a newsletter subscriber of mine make sure you check out tomorrow's newsletter. I have a few goodies to share, one of which is a new company with the cutest products.  If you aren’t a current email subscriber, you can sign up HERE, and I’ll share the same thing in Saturday’s newsletter as well for you too.

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

After being going for 11 days this was the best sight, being home. We were all happy to be able to get out of the car, run around, sleep in our own beds, and have more space. 

~ TWO ~

This baby just brings me so much joy. I got within 6 feet of her, then a kid at the playground yelled and spooked her. 


On our front porch we have a birds nest with one egg. We haven't seen any birds fly in or out of the nest since we have been home though. 

~ FOUR ~

The kids requested to go to the library. They each picked out a bunch of books and we played for a good half an hour. I love watching their imaginations and playing together. All 3 of them are a puppet. 

~ FIVE ~

While on vacation we missed 4 of Austin's baseball games. This week he didn't want to go. But once we got there he did good. One of the coaches pulled him aside to work on batting. Next time he was up to bat he not only hit the ball, made it to base, but also ended up scoring a point. I am so proud of him. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:
Wednesday- Life Lately

This Weeks Recipes:

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1 comment

  1. Oh wow! That fawn is just beautiful.
    It sounds like a good week, vacations are lovely but it's good to be home.


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