Life Lately

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 Hey loves. How is your summer going? We have been home from vacation for a few days. Suitcases have been unpacked, laundry washed, and everything put away. I feel like so much has happened, new routines, and fun things going on. Let's do a quick life lately update beyond vacation. 

  • Ella played trumpet for the past year and decided it wasn't for her. She now wants to play flute. We returned the trumpet and rented a flute. She had her first private lesson yesterday. So far she is liking it. 
  • Ella had a playdate and sleepover the day after we got home from vacation. No pausing to relax it was straight onto summer fun.
  • On vacation Ella had all the real smiles from ear to ear. She is getting to the age of not wanting to do stuff as a family (not liking her siblings) but this trip you could tell she really enjoyed herself and was awesome with her siblings. 

  • Austin started Title 1 summer school yesterday. He missed the first week while we were on vacation. The goal is to give him a little extra bit of school to help with his reading and we will continue to work with him throughout the summer
  • Austin started his summer speech therapy. He goes once a week for 30 minutes for 6 weeks to continue working on his speech. 
  • Austin's end of the year field trip was to the zoo. I got to chaperone. It ended up being a lot of fun. I loved seeing him interact with his friends. 


  • Anna is still asking every day to go to school. It is sad that I have to tell her no. I know one day this will change. 
  • Anna did awesome on vacation with using the potty. She only had one accident while she was napping, but otherwise did great. 

  • On our road trip Ella and Austin played this find and seek card game a lot. 
  • I bought these new sandals for vacation. They were so comfortable to walk around in.
  • Our dishwasher sprang a leak while we were on vacation. (Thankful for our house sitter who cleaned up the mess and turned off the water supply.) Temporarily I will be hand washing. and we needed a dish drying rack. I am loving this one
  • We signed up for a CSA produce every other week this summer through a local organic farm. We pick up on Saturday mornings and you never know what you are going to get. Last time we got eggs, bok choy, broccolini, salad and a few other things. This makes me have to meal plan and grocery shop differently to use the fresh produce first. 

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