Friday Favorites Last Week of Summer

 Hey loves. I hate to say that this. our last week of summer before school starts has sucked. The weather has been rainy and crappy. We didn't go to Cedar Point as planned because of storms in the forecast, Brian ended up feeling like crap, the weather wasn't the warmest... It has just been a really weird summer over all. Now I say all that then I went and looked at my camera roll of the fun we had this week and the pictures tell a different story even though things didn't go as planned. I have been more present this past week with a playdate, niece in town from Seattle, and just having fun with my kids. I took a step back from social media (partially because it wasn't loading my stories) and it felt great. (even though family and friends said they miss seeing so much of what we are up to). That all being said lets we had a good week. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

A night with no plans calls for going to get an ice cream treat. I ask for a cute picture and this is what I get, aren't kids great. 

We went to a local place called Mitchells. They always have a few vegan options (because I avoid dairy) 

Isn't blue ice cream the best especially all over your face with a blue tongue. I don't know if he likes the flavor or the color more. 

~ TWO ~

While I was cleaning and taking pictures of my purse for the Not Just A Mom link up sharing What's In Your Handbag. Anna found a long lasting matte lipstick. 


Kids requested their favorite lunch and movie day. They love charcuterie board style lunch. All that was left was some Cheetos, which I didn't expect. 

~ FOUR ~

Thankful for having a porch to sit on while it is storming and enjoying a beer. My current beer of choice is a Hazy IPA. I did just buy Fat Heads Spooky Tooth Pumpkin Beer this week too. 

~ FIVE ~

Super Girl to the rescue. We were at a friends house, she found the mask and cap and kept running around yelling that she was super girl. It was adorable. 

~ SIX ~

This has to be the best homemade pizza we have ever done. It was a thin crust sourdough dough. BBQ sauce, grilled chicken, red onion, sweet peppers, and fresh tomato. Mine had vegan mozzarella cheese (Brian had regular cheese). Even Brian said it tasted like take out. 

Brian made this delicious steak dinner. It was some cheap $5 cut I picked up that he marinated and grilled. Topped with some basil spinach pesto with sunflower seeds. Side of red skin potatoes and tomatoes. Macaroni salad was from the store. 


Adventure to Rural King. If you don't have one it is like Tractor Supply Company. We went to get mason jars. Anna found herself a ride. 

They also had baby chickens ...

and ducts. Austin asked if we could take one home. I said not today we don't have a coop yet. Out of nowhere a worker pops up and says "Oh we sell those too". Not today we are no where near prepared to have them, but one day. 

~ Eight ~

Ella and I went on a little mother daughter adventure. We needed to get her a house key as a just in case and a spare. We first went to Home Depot. It took forever for them to find someone to work the machine while we waited we picked out our keys. Then while the worker was making our first key, the machine broke. He said they had just gotten this one fixed. So we left there and headed to Lowes. I asked Brian if we could have this 12 foot scary dude, he said no I would scare the little kids. But we did end up getting keys made, but they were no the Disney ones we originally picked out. 


I took the kids on an adventure to the Rocky River Nature Center. We started with a half milk walk listening to birds, seeing chipmunks, and looking for frogs and turtles. Then they climbed a whole bunch of stairs. 

Before we left we headed inside. The kids played for a little while, checked out the turtles and frogs that were in changes, and watched 


Girls finally sleeping in the same bed. We have been trying all summer to get Anna to sleep in Ella's bed or vice versa for numerous reasons, one being sleeping arrangements while we were on vacation. It finally happened last night when Anna's room was taken over by my niece who was visiting from Seattle. Aren't they so cute cuddling? Anna said this morning "I love sleeping with Ella, she cuddles me"
Now they can go back to sleeping in their own beds. Without waking up mom in the middle of the night would be a plus.

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

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1 comment

  1. We've had a kind of crappy, rainy, and somewhat cool summer too. But luckily my boys don't seem to care as much about the weather as I do. That pizza sounds amazing.


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