Friday Favorites Almost Summer

 Hey friends. We made it to Friday. Holiday weeks always throw me off with fewer school days. Austin is also home today as a "skip" day because it was field day and he isn't allowed to participate why torture him and make him watch all his friends have fun. The other mommy side of it is I also don't want to risk him doing something he is not suppose to with his still being on restrictions. No one wants another surgery or cast for the rest of summer. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

We had a neighborhood birthday party. The kids had fun playing with all the kids. Instead of cake they had cotton candy, I love this idea. Can we also talk about the sass this girl has. Every picture is now a pose.

Austin also went to the party, he had his cast taken off that day and was sore and nervous but joined in on some fun. 

~ TWO ~

A weekend holiday weekend full of friends, family, and fun. The kids played in sprinklers, little pools, threw water balloons, sand boxes, ran around and had all the fun with lots of friends everyday. We had a cookout of some sort Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. It was wonderful bringing sides and not having to cook. (the guys grilled)


The aftermath of some delicious juicy watermelon. Normally I would just throw the shirt away because I wouldn't be able to get the stain our, especially when this happened Saturday and I didn't touch it until Monday. 

I decided to try the pre-spot from my wellness box. I sprayed it on then washed the shirt with a load of clothes. 

I was shocked that all the watermelon juice stain came out. This is going to be my new best friend.

~ FOUR ~

Not only did Austin get his cast off, he also got a summer haircut. He needed one since he broke his arm but we were hesitant with potentially getting hair down his cast and not being able to stop the itching (yes he wears a cape but I swear hair gets everywhere). Now he is all handsome and short for summer. 

~ FIVE ~

Anna got to play in the rain in her rainboots and umbrella. Every time she asks it is storming and not raining. 

~ SIX ~

Anna ran to meet Ella as she got off the bus. Ella carried her back and Anna gave her kisses the whole way. Such sister love. She only has a few more days where Anna can meet her at the bus stop. Next year Anna will be at school when Ella gets home. 


We have seen more of our deer friends and the one baby more the last few days. I may have over cooked pasta while watching the baby in the foods, but it was well worth it and the kids didn't complain. 


Ella requested a heart in her hair for another Taylor Swift themed day. 

~ NINE ~

This weeks new Youtube video

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

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  1. It sounds like a good idea keeping Austin home from the field day. What great news that his cast is off.
    The birthday party sounds like a lot of fun and the whole weekend too!

    1. He is so much happier with his cast off and getting back to normal life

  2. I think it was a great idea to keep Austin home from field day; it's so hard to watch your friends having fun when you can't join in.

    1. Yes from what I heard austin wouldn't have been able to do anything at field day but walk around.


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