Friday Favorites

 Hey loves. It's Friday. How was your week? I finally feel like I am caught up on a lot and in a good routine. Next week is another story. I hope to stay consistent next week as well even with my kids off 2 if not 3 days. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

Better late than never. They opened their letters from Santa. Now there is also Snowflake glitter all over my house. 

~ TWO ~

My go to breakfast this week. I made egg cups earlier in the week and just throw them in the microwave. Side of sourdough with avocado and not pictured some fruit. 


Austin had his first basketball game of the season. He ended up scoring. 

~ FOUR ~

After finishing my continuing education hours and renewing my cosmetology license my girlfriend made me a fancy drink. It is a whisky sour with a red wine top, the foam is egg whites. It was delicious. 

~ FIVE ~

I got fancy with my bread this week and added a heart. 

~ SIX ~

Someone stole my phone. I have a bunch of the cutest selfies. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

New Youtube Videos this week:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. Love egg cups for breakfast and that sourdough looks great and cute!

    1. Eggs cups are becoming a new favorite and makes for such a quick breakfast


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