Friday Favorites

 Hey friends. Happy Friday. The first week of November is in the books. It started with snow and ended in the 70's. Mother Nature is confused again, but I will take the gorgeous weather. We have been getting outside as much as we can with shorter days. We have a busy weekend ahead with hosting Friendsgiving and Girl Scouts hiking trip, and a surprise for the kids. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

If I fit I sit. Audrianna pulled out the end table drawer accidently while getting cars out to play with. That then turned into her sitting in the drawer. She played with it for a good 15 minutes. 

~ TWO ~

Daylight savings time has hit that little girl back there napping hard. She has been waking up around 5-530 every morning. That messes with my morning routine. But I will take all the extra cuddles and readjust my day to still get my stuff done.


Beautiful sunset out our front window

~ FOUR ~

Some morning excitement. We had deer running from the backyard to the front yard and back. This went on for about 5 minutes. There was 4 doe and 1 buck.

~ FIVE ~

We went to an outdoor shopping mall, walked around, and got ice cream. It was a gorgeous fall night, even though it gets dark early we still got outside.

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

Wednesday- Halloween Recap

Recipes from the Week:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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