Biggest Fears

 Hey loves. We are halfway through the week. It is feeling like fall, I have a pumpkin candle burning, Halloween themed books I am reading and listening to, now I just want some Apple Cider to go along with it all. 

Today I am linking up with Erika and Shay for Let's Look.

In January I shared Organizing a Busy Family

In February I shared What's in Your Medicine Cabinet

In March I shared Amazon All Time Favorites

In May I shared Morning Routine

In June I shared Best Travel Tips

In July I shared favorite Summer Finds

In August I shared Worst Habits

In September I shared my Evening Routine

This month we are sharing our Biggest Fears.

I have your what I consider normal typical fears

  • fear of failure
  • airplane crashes
  • roller coasters breaking
  • not being good enough
  • not being around for my kids
These typical fears don't stop me from living my life though. You will find me over the summer at Cedar Point with my kids riding roller coasters, or on an airplane to Disney World because it is faster than driving.

I use to have a horrible fear of spiders. I screamed when I saw one, wouldn't go in a room with visible spiderwebs, you wouldn't catch me digging in the dirt, etc. My girlfriends joke with the meme about burning down the house for a spider, that potentially could have been me. One day I got over this fear. I still am not a fan of them, but don't freak out. 

The one big fear that at times affects my life is the fear of something happening to my kids. I would like to thank Horror movies, Lifetime movies, Thriller books, the news, the world we live in, etc. You hear the stories of kids getting taken and it can happen anywhere. I hate taking all 3 kids by myself. It is getting easier with my oldest being 12 and helping out. Plus the younger two listen better. 
I live near a huge city that is known for sex-trafficing. The Cleveland Kidnapping by Ariel Castro happened less than 30 minutes from us, and yes I know it can happen anywhere. 

Do you have any fears? My sister has a fear of clowns. My girlfriends, Ella, and myself enjoy sending her pictures, videos, TikToks of clowns. Don't worry I won't send any to you if you have a fear of clowns. 

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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