Friday Favorites

 Hey loves. Happy Friday. We made it through another week and how is it already the end of July? I feel like it went by in a blink of an eye. We are counting down the days until school starts again and checking more items off our Summer Bucket List

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea.

~ ONE ~

Brain and I finally got to go out for my birthday dinner. We had planned to go a few weeks ago but I wasn't feeling well. Two children went to grandma's for a sleepover and one child went had a sleepover with her cousin. We had planned to go to a brewery but got there and it was crazy packed with a concert and Christmas in July party. We ended up at a wonderful Orchard that had 3 bars on property and two restaurants, outside games, a band, and a chicken coop. It ended up being a fun night. 

~ TWO ~

Fun night with neighbors. Between the three families we have 8 kids. 7 were playing in the top down jeep and went for a very slow ride (with the moms right on the outside). 


How often do I say "I can't workout with my kids around"? A lot, usually in my head and not verbalizing it. This week I have proved that statement wrong. Everyday I have worked out with the best cheerleaders, personal motivators, helpers, get in my wayers, ... but I got it done. Week 2 of this program done. Feeling great. 

~ FOUR ~

We finally got the last tree cut down on our property that we are removing. (we have cut down 9) This one wasn't exactly on our list but after a branch fell and the tree guys came and looked at it they determined that the middle was rotting away. It was over 90 feet tall and better to safely have it cut down or risk one day a storm taking it down and hitting out neighbors house or something else. They left the wood for one of our neighbors to take. Ella got to help chop wood. 

~ FIVE ~

Austin learned to ride his old smaller bike without training wheels. Then upgraded to riding his new bigger bike without training wheels also. Our one neighbor actually helped us. We went in their backyard that has soft grass and ran with him and let him go and he did great Now I cant keep any of my kids home they always want to ride their bikes. 

~ SIX ~

Morning adventure to Carlisle Reservation. They use to have a discover path for kids to hop different distances like a frog, follow the wiggly live for what a snake eats, etc but the path got repaved and never repainted. 

We still have fun on the story book trail, checking out little houses, finding frogs and.... 

Riding the Little Green Choo Choo that is normally only out for special occasions like Halloween and Christmas lights. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. I loved when my boys all finally learned to ride bikes and we could go on family bike rides around the neighborhood.

  2. July did go by so quickly!
    It sounds like a great night out for your birthday dinner despite the change of plans.


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