Friday Favorites Happy February

 Hey friends. We made it to Friday. I still haven't gotten a normal week this year. Ella was home sick 4 days this week. (She better be going to school today) I am ready for spring for everyone to stop getting sick, no more snow, ice, free days. This week Austin has been the highlight with so much going on with him. 

Time for some Friday Favorites with these lovely ladies: Erika, and Andrea

~ ONE ~

We got a little bit of snow. Austin was eating snow flakes before school. By the time he got home from school the little snow was melted. 

~ TWO ~

Austin had his first basketball game of the season. He couldn't keep his feet on the ground. He scored 5 baskets, 10 points and is screaming it to the world. He has improved so much from last year. He is loving basketball so much that he is shooting hoops before and after school, even when it is in the 30s outside, he comes in with rosy cheeks. 


Even though we haven't had a normal week yet this year with sick kids, ice/freeze/snow day, I am getting into a good rhythm for myself and getting more time to relax and enjoy things I like.

~ FOUR ~

Anna and I stopped by the library the other morning after we dropped S who I watch at preschool. Anna picked out some Valentine's and Ground Hog Day books and played for a little bit. She didn't fight when I said it was time to leave. 

~ FIVE ~

Brian took Austin to his first Cav's game. They had a fun boys night and the Cavs won.

~ SIX ~

I made sourdough discard bagels. I haven't made them in what feels like forever but these turned out the best I have made so far. 

In case you missed, here's a quick look at the blog this week:

This Weeks Recipes:

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. Oh no! Poor Ella, I hope she is feeling better now and well done to Austin with the basketball.
    I hope you get a normal week soon.


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