Hair, Friends, Santa. and Family

Happy Monday!!! We have had another jam packed, fun, and eventful filled weekend. Only a 2 day school week for Ella, with today being PJ day and watching the Polar Express, tomorrow is her Holiday party, and tomorrow night we have Girl Scouts. Then we have the calm before the storm of Christmas. We are still fighting sickness in my house, I am ready for it to all be gone so we can enjoy our Christmas Break. 

Friday one of my girlfriends asked if I would do her hair for her work Christmas party. We had to do it on her break from work because there wouldn't be enough time after work, school, and before her party and Ella's Girl Scout event.

At times I miss doing hair, but then I get friends who ask for their hair done, or my family who wants haircuts (Brian and Austin need theirs cut before Christmas) and that urge goes away.

Friday evening we had a fun Girl Scout event. It was a cookie rally where the girls did some crafts, learned about selling cookies, and got to try all the cookies and pick their favorite.

The girls favorite craft was doing the scratch turtle and making their own designs. 

Saturday morning I woke up before everyone and enjoyed some hot water with honey, quiet time, and watched a Christmas movie. Last week I woke up early quiet a few times and enjoyed it. I really want to get back into the habit of getting things done early before anyone wakes up.

Saturday we had lunch with Santa at my parents local AmVets. All the cousins were there dressed up and excited to see Santa. 

Here's my handsome little man coloring, eating bread, and drinking some juice as he waits for Santa. 

My sister, father, and myself. 

Here are all the cousins. (I didn't take the picture and can't figure out how to rid of the black box).

Austin will point out Santa and say Santa, but when it comes to going up to him, that is another story. He wants nothing to do with him.

Ella has always been good with Santa. She knows he brings her presents. 

Saturday night we planned to drive around and look at Christmas lights. Ella really wanted nothing to do with it. Instead she decided to take a nap in the backseat. One day she will share my love of all things Christmas.

After looking at Christmas lights we came home and had a family movie night. We watched the Grinch. 

I almost forgot. Ella and Brian made her Chocolate Cookie Train. It turned out really cute. 

Sunday morning I finally took myself to the Express Care Clinic for what I knew was a sinus infection. It turned out to be a Severe Sinus Infection since I waited so long. I had been dealing with it for about a month and just kept waiting for it to get better.

Ella and Austin got a long so well yesterday. Ella was a little mommy playing and watching Austin since I wasn't feeling well and daddy had to work. She ended up calling my mom when she found me crying holding my head cause I was in so much pain from the sinus pressure. My mom came to the rescue and watched the kids while I napped. Brian got my meds and I am finally starting to feel better. 
We ended our weekend watching the new Disney short- Olaf's Frozen Adventure. It was really cute, Ella said it wasn't long enough. 

Hope you had a great weekend. I am linking up with some great gals for Hello MondayWeekendersWeekly Wrap Up, and Hello Monday!!!!!

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