Reflections and Intentions

Happy New Year friends. I am ready for a fresh start, time to refocus, make some much needed changes, purge, and get on a schedule again. 2019 brought struggles, challenges, and growth. 2020 will have new growth, goals, and struggles along the way too. Lets take a look back at 2019 and see what I have planned for 2020

Reflections on 2019

- Learning to say no
 The past two years I had done so much with Ella's school, PTA, and Girl Scouts, all of which I loved but it can be time consuming and daunting with little return. Ella enjoys the outcome but all the work I do isn't always necessary to receive the same outcome for us. I took a step back, let others do some of the planning and helped where I could. This has benefited all of us with less stress, less time Brian has to take off work to watch the kids, and more time I have doing what I want to do. 

- Resting
Have a high risk complicated pregnancy didn't give me much choice but to rest as must as possible. We didn't get to do as much as I may have wanted over the summer, or really through out the first half of the year. Instead of sitting here thinking of everything we missed out on I remember all the memories we did make. A lot of which Brian had one on one time with the kids that hopefully they will remember. (Especially Ella)

- Pregnancy
I have never had an easy pregnancy and Audrianna wasn't any easier. I was best friends with the porcelain God again, we had more ultrasounds for failing non-stress tests than I can count on one hand, long at home labor, and an eventful labor experience. I can officially say I am done having kids. I don't think my body or my emotions could take another pregnancy.

- Adventures in a newborn
Every kid is different. Audrianna has been easy to breastfeed, but refuses a bottle. She doesn't sleep through the night but most of the time doesn't want to cuddle just wants fed. 

- Mom of 3
You would thinking going from 2 to 3 kids wouldn't be that much harder but boy was I wrong. This has been harder of a transition that I could have ever anticipated. 

- Family and Friends
I have the best family that is always there one way or another when I need them. My mom lived with us a week after I had Audrianna because I was in bed rest. My best friend was always there when I needed someone to talk to. Plus more...

- Me
I have no energy, I am sluggish, my eating is crap, I haven't worked out much if at all this year, and I just feel blah. I know I need to make changes. 


  • Use my planner to the fullest- meal plan, write everything down I have to get done, especially now that Austin is starting preschool
  • Purge- We are planning to move and have so much stuff that we don't use that we just need to get rid of. Get out of the mindset of selling and just donate most of it.
  • Clean- get back to a cleaning schedule. I feel mentally better with a clean house and not stressing when someone shows up and oh no the toilet isn't clean.
  • Natural Products- keep converting cleaning supplies to more natural, healthier for our family and environment products.
  • Monthly Date with Brian
  • Kids monthly date with Brian or myself
  • Be more present- put the phone done when with family, friends, kids, etc.
  • More intentional with time spent scrolling on my phone
  • Becoming the best version of myself (more on this later of what it really means to me)
linking up today with Lindsay for Hello Monday 

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

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  1. I can't imagine juggling 3!!! Moms are SUPERWOMEN! I love all of your New Year's goals and intentions. I hope you knock them out of the park!!! xo

  2. I bet going from 2 to 3 was so very challenging. Give yourself some grace for having a rough year with a hard pregnancy and a growing family! You're doing a great job, mama! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. Congrats on that 3rd kid, and sorry I have not been around lately! I plan to read your blog more often again now!


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