Never Alone

Hey loves. Happy Monday and Happy first day of August. How was your weekend? We had a busy family filled Saturday followed by a somewhat more relaxing Sunday getting catch up on some things and preparing for the week ahead. I am ready to hit this month running while enjoying the last few weeks of summer. 

I have been on the struggle bus with my mindset, how I have been feeling, getting my workouts in, and making time for me. I know I am not alone in this. I have been talking with other women who are on the same bus. I share this because it isn't talked about often enough. We as mom's put ourselves on the back burner and put everyone else's needs first. But as the saying goes, " You Can't Pour From An Empty Cup"

I thrive to help other women, as well as myself to live life to their fullest, to be their best version of themselves, to feel confidence, to feel amazing, and to be stronger everyday. Little steps making little progress in our own personal goals (not what others thing we should look like, or eat) is what matters and it is important to celebrate even the littlest things (such as not eating that cookie and drinking your water for the day). It is about progress not perfection while giving yourself grace. 

I have been apart of this amazing health and wellness community for 8 years. It has been an exciting adventure of growth, change, and  When I make the commitment is when I feel my best. When I am inspiring and helping others is when I am best in so many ways.

With all that being said I am committing to sharing my journey every step of the way, hopefully inspiring you to make positive changes, if it is something little. I will be sharing mid-month check in and end of the month check ins. Today I am starting a 4 week program that's only 20 minutes a day, having a goal of 80 oz water a day and stop eating the foods I know my body doesn't like.  I am going Back to the Basics and I want to invite you along to join me. What you will get:

Back to the Basics

  • workouts less than 30 minutes a day
  • 4 weeks to commit to a new routine for you
  • limited to no equipment needed
  • meal guides with lots of recipes that work for your lifestyle (that taste amazing, nourish our bodies, and family including kid approved) 
  • choose what or if supplements you want to use, which come complimentary for the first 30 days
  • daily accountability
  • support from other women

Want to try a FREE sample workout? I can send you the link, send me an e-mail and lets chat. 
This month I also have $20 off packages and a special welcome gift for signing up. 

Want to get started or see what this is all about send me an email, drop a comment or fill out this quick form

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
You can find me on BloglovinFacebook, and Instagram




  1. Good for you Mama! You are an inspiration! :)

    1. thank you. we also deserve to feel our best and thats what I try to help people relealize.


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