Weekend Wrap Up

 Hey loves. Happy Monday. How was your weekend? We had a somewhat low key weekend up ended up having a lot of fun with our neighbors and friends. It was a much needed refresh for the week ahead. 


Friday after school we had a quick dinner, Brian picked up subs from Penn Station. Then we hopped in the van and took Ella to her dads for the weekend. Then we headed to Cedar Point to meet up with my girlfriend and her daughters. 

Cedar Point is having Halloween weekends between until Halloween. They had some fun activities for the kids then scary stuff for the older kids and adults. We did not do anything scary as my kids don't like spooky. They did the they did the corn stalk maze 3x. 

Their was a scavenger hunt where they both won a bouncy ball and 10 trick or treating stations and at the end you got to pick a small pumpkin. 

Overall we had a good night. We left before 10, the park is open until midnight but the kids rides close at 10. We all were disappointed that one whole kid section was closed for the night, that section is their favorite also. 


Saturday morning CSA produce pick up. This week we got kale, turnip greens, raspberries, strawberry rhubarb jam, and peppers. My kids loved the raspberries they were so sweet. 

Brian had a quick appointment for work so he dropped us off at Westside Flea, which was an outdoor market at the Avon Crushers minor league baseball stadium. The kids had the most fun running around on the field. It was all turf and soft. 

Their was a balloon artist that made Anna a flower ...

Austin got a sword from Star Wars. 

Anna had fun watching the hula dancers. 

Before we left we rode a free little train. We ended up buying a few things also. 

After the market we went to a friends farm and picked out some pumpkins and mums. 

We ended up at a neighbors house for the kids to play that turned into dinner, the most delicious local venison burgers then watching the Ohio State football game. It made for a long night but omg OSU won in the last 5 seconds of the game. 

Look what I found in my backyard. The bucks only come around during the winterish months. 


Dang geese woke me up at 645 before my alarm. They have very noisy in the back field every morning. 
We went to church. We had our service then Brian and I went to the new members meeting and my girlfriend watched Anna and Austin because they didn't have a full on Sunday school for the kids just a fun painting activity for the kids to do.

After church Anna made a witch craft she got from Cedar Point.

I finished making sourdough bread then we headed to the neighbors for the Cleveland Browns game. 

After the game we went to Brian's moms house to celebrate his aunts birthday. We made chili on Saturday that we took over to his mom and the cornbread. 

Ended the night with showers and getting ready for the week ahead. 

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lots of fall fun going on in your weekend! Sorry, typo in my previous comment so I deleted it.


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