Holiday Home Tour 2023

 Hey loves. It is the holiday season, the house is decorated for Christmas!!! It is time for our annual holiday home tour for 2023. Come on in.... 

If you were at my house in person I would offer you some water, coffee, hot tea, hot chocolate, or maybe some wine. You would smell a holiday candle burning and listening to Pentatonix holiday music on Alexa.

This year we changed up a few things, but didn't really buy anything new (at least that I can think of) besides replacing lights. 

Come on inside and lets take a look.... 

little disclaimer some lighting not the greatest.

My Disney tree. All the ornaments are Disney themed and filler ornaments are snowflakes, stars, and icicles. 

Mickey Mouse ornament head is from Lowe's last year, they don't have it this year. 

I was trying to get pictures of the tree with the lights on, Anna thought it was a photoshoot for her. 

So here is a different view. 

This fiber optic Santa was at my parents house growing it. It is at least 30 years old.

All the Christmas books. 

The "Frozen lights" tree in the office. Brian grew up having blue lights on a tree. 

I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays. 

Thank you for stopping by!!!!! If you are new here,

Feel free to follow along.
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