
 Hey loves. How are you? I am finally feeling mostly back to normal, the stomach bug is still going strong in our house though. I am trying to catch up on everything from work, to blog, to life related while still trying to rest some and take care of everyone who is still sick. Joys of mom life, but I wouldn't change it for the world. 

I am linking up with Jenn over at Overflowing with Thankfulness on the first Wednesday of every month for Currently. 


I ate outside on Monday evening for a little bit to get some fresh air and Anna didn't want to be outside by herself while Brian was making dinner. Anna pointed out the beautiful sunset. 

Anna is my outside child. She loves to be outside. It was 50 degrees and she was soaking it in. Drawing a chalk family. 

#5 getting sick. I hate to say it. Ella is either going to get the stomach bug we all have had and ruin her plans for the weekend or she will be the odd ball out and doesn't get it, which I pray is the case. In reality I am just sitting here waiting for the phone call from school that she got sick. 


June 2022 we went on a big family vacation with my parents, my sister, and niece. I did not get one picture of all of us. We had a great time, with mostly positive memories, and a few negatives. My kids ask to go on vacation to the beach with Memaw and Papaw again. Which we could totally do but I don't think we could stand being in a house with my sister and niece for a week again. My sister and niece always end up getting sick on any vacation we go on. The house we rented had gross air vents with mold that also didn't help. 

Harbor Island has beautiful mild long beaches. 

One of my kids favorite activities besides swimming that we did was going on a mermaid hunt on Hilton Head, but the mermaid has since retired. 

Oh just the not so fun stomach bug. Started with Anna, then me, followed by Austin and Brian. Unfortunately Austin was feeling fine and Anna was better and they went to the neighbors house to play and that is when Austin got sick out of no where and now they are starting to possibly pass it around too. I joke that I have been waiting for all of us to get sick, well it is here, now we are done for the year right. 

Wish Listing

New professional clothes. I have not worked out of the house in almost 10 years. My most recent job was at a hair salon where we could only wear black. (all of those clothes I got rid of because you can never get all the hair out and it itches). Even though my new marketing administrative job is 90% work from home, there are times I am requested to go into the office, and there will be quarterly meet ups with photos shoots (mostly for the agents but I will be involved as well).  I have not bought clothes that are not leggings in years I have no idea on sizes or styles anymore. Any suggestions. 

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  1. I am also wishlisting some new clothes!

  2. I love when I find new clothes that are comfortable and make me feel put-together, but I don't like the process of shopping for them. Hope you find just the right pieces to help you feel confident and comfortable in that new job! Also hope that you are all finished sharing the stomach bug - that's no fun! Dropping by from "Currently" today

  3. Oh, I hope everyone is back to good health soon! Sounds like it's been a haul... And I am the worst at new clothes so I can't be of any help whatsoever...


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