Disney Baby

If you at my house any morning, don't expect to watch what you want to watch. The only channel that is on in the morning is the Disney Channel. Aubriella is a Disney Jr baby.

Aubriella has her shows that she likes to watch, listen to, or stop and dance to. The tv is always on in my house, but she isn't necesarily watching it all the time. Most of the time she is crawling around, destroying the house, and playing with her toys. But as soon as the Hot Dog song comes on at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she stops what she is doing and starts wiggling. It is so cute.
Here are Aubriella's favorite shows to watch:

Aubriella also likes some of their musicial "commericals", but not all of them. The new one with the sandwich and broccoli is not a favorite in our house. Aubriella's babysitter, whom is also my girlfriend, Misty and my sister both have downloaded some of the Choo Choo Soul songs to their phones for the girls to listen to. Maybe Santa will bring them the cd for Christmas.

Her favorite "commerical" is small potatoes, but they dont play them very often anymore.

What do your kids like to watch?



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