Friday Favoites

Happy Friday friends. Hope everyone had an awesome week. We have had a busy fun week and more fun planned for the weekend, hopefully it doesn't rain all weekend. 

Time to link up with Narci, Erika, and Andrea for some more more Friday Favorites. 

I have been a reader of the Coffee and Crumbs blog for the past couple of years, plus I have been a loyal listener to there podcast for the past 6 months atleast. When I heard they were coming out with a book "The Magic of Motherhood.", you know I had to have it. I was going to wait until Mother's Day and give hints that I wanted it. Then I found it at Target the other day and decided to pick it up. I am loving it so much. I wish I would have had this book when I first had Ella. You realize you are not alone in this journey of Motherhood. 

Every night for the past week I have went for a walk. Either by myself, as a family of 4, family of 3 (when Ella is with her dad), or just Austin and I. I love that the weather here in Northern Ohio is finally broke and gorgeous. We are getting outside as much as possible to enjoy it. That is when my kids agree to go outside, some days that's a fight in itself. 

Ella is loving the Trolls movie that she got from the Easter bunny. We have watched it twice already. It is cute and I love singing along. It is a great movie for family night that I don't mind watching. 

A few weeks ago Brian and I got new laptops, identical ones. I decided I wanted something to make mine stand out. If you know me I love everything Disney, especially kissing Mickey and Minnie. I found this adorable decal on Etsy and just had to have it for my laptop. Now there is no question of whose laptop is whose. 

Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

1 comment

  1. Love the Mickey and Minnie decal. Too cute! :)
    I haven't seen the Trolls movie, but I hear it's really cute.



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