On Instagram today Rhianon aka Brooklyn Boy Mom posted about having a Summer Bucket List for her and her kids. (She also has a blog that I just recently started following) I so love this idea. How often do your kids say "I'm bored! What are we doing today?" and you really have no answer and trying to come up with something to do. Today Ella and I sat down and came up with a list, a very long list of things she would like to do this summer. I don't make any promises that we will do everything, but I will try my hardest to do most of them. I am looking forward to this summer as a stay at home mom and able to enjoy my time with my kids, and make lasting memories.
One of my plans/goals is to set up a schedule and have a little agenda we can go by. I think being a little structured will help with some of our struggles. From bedtime to lunch time, to when I work out, having dinner at the table, doing things as a family, when I work my at-home business. Plus sports, play dates, .... Now I say this and schedules can be broken or adjusted at any time. That's the luxury of me being MOM.
Here is Rhianon's ideas of how to come up with a list
- Brainstorm - Think of as many things as possible that you’ve wanted to do with your kids, but haven’t. Rainy day activities, beach activities, crafty activities, day trips, city activities…
- Ask your kids! - This is their school vacation so they should suggest doing a couple of things that they enjoy. I didn’t even want to do this for fear that they would only put Chuck E Cheese on the list, but the beauty of asking their opinion is that once you’ve done what they want to do, you can cross it off the list. Done. You don’t have to do it again. If they suggest going to Chuck E Cheese a second, third or fourth time, all you have to say is, “We already did that! Time to pick something else”.
- Make a list - This was part of my problem last year: I wasn’t prepared. There were many days when I actually had the energy and/or funds to do something out of the ordinary, but when it came down to deciding what I actually wanted to do, my mind would go blank (thanks, mombrain for failing me once again). If I had compiled a list, all I would have had to do was check it and pick something and off we’d go! Instead, we ended up doing the same things every week for the entire summer.
- Put the list somewhere visible - Ours is in our living room. I like being able to see it every day and easily add to it as new ideas come to mind.
- Pick a day - My personal challenge is going to be to pick one day every week and have that be “Bucket List Day”. Make it the same day every week, so that when Sunday night rolls around, you know what to expect for the coming week.
- Invite friends - because the kids love having a playdate, and the mom’s love when the kids occupy each other so that we’re able to have an adult conversation (if we’re lucky).
Here is our list:
Sorry it is so hard to read. Ella choose a pink pen.You ready for our long list.
New Zoo
Flower Hunting
Watch Fireworks
Go to Baseball Game
Sleep Outside
Plant a Garden
Paint Rocks
Look for bugs
Get a Library Card
Play date @ the park
Go on Nature Walk
Paint Birdhouse
Make Fairy Garden
African Safari
Make Smores
Go to Drive In
Food Trucks
Make Cookies
Water Balloon Fight
Go to Movies
Children's Museum
Memphis Kiddie Park
Painting Party
Cedar Point
Water Park
Ride Boat
Lemonade Stand
Go to Fair
Host a BBQ
Watch the Sunrise
Watch the Sunset
Pick Fruit
Family Bike Ride
Train Ride
Go to Concert
Fly a Kite
Climb Trees
Watch Parade
Science Center
I can't wait for summer to official begin and start crossing off our Bucket List.
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