Safety Town

We are very fortunate enough to live in a wonderful city that has hosted Safety Town for 51 years. Many of the surrounding cities no longer have it, and many people don't even know what Safety Town is. Safety Town is for kids entering Kindergarten. They learn the basics of crossing the street safely, what police officers and firemen do, tour the inside of a police car and fire truck, visit the police station and fire station, practiced Stranger Danger... and so much more. A lot of this Ella already knew from us teaching her, Brian being an Auxiliary Police Officer or learning in preschool. It was a nice little added reminder, practice with others, and enforced from a police officer. 

Ella had a lot of fun and said she learned a lot. There were 18 high school volunteers instructors who helped out for the week. She also really like the officer who taught the class.  

Safety Town was a few weeks ago and we still ask her questions and remind her what to do in certain situations. She remembers how to properly handle it. What more could a parent ask for?
One day they visited the Fire Station and the Police Station. They are about a 2 minute drive away, Ella got to ride on a school bus. That really was her excitement for that day because she will not be riding a bus to school, her school is less than a mile from our house and she will be walking. She also came home with a plastic fireman's hat that she plays with all the time now.
On the last day of Safety Town they had such a cute graduation celebration for all the kids. The officer talked about some statistics with kids and safety, plus what to expect with the new schools that are being built in our community  They walked down an isle, got diplomas, had a little party and got good bags. In her goodie bag she also got a safety reminder coloring book, bike water bottle, and her favorite the Junior Police Officer Hat. She likes to wear it around the house and act like a Police Officer. 
Whenever speaking the Officer always mentions that "The Apple Never Falls Far From The Tree". He has been with North Olmsted Police Department for over 20 years and have seen tons of kids. Parents who lead by example and are a part of their kids lives, and not just when they are little, normally turn out to be better kids in so many ways between grades, attitude, behavior, ....
He always reads this poem and I love it and it really makes you think:

There are little eyes upon you and they're watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly take in every word you say.
There are little hands all eager to do anything you do;
And a little child who's dreaming of the day they'll be just like you.

You're the little fellow's idol, you're the wisest of the wise.
In their little mind about you no suspicious ever rise.
They believe in you devoutly, holds all that you say and do;
They will say and do, in you way when they are all grown up like you.
There's a wide eyed little fellow who believes you're always right; 
And their eyes are always open and they watched day and night.
You are setting an example every day in all you do.
For the little child who's waiting to grow up to be like you. 

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